

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:45

iphone Programming Glossary: self.backgroundcolor

How to erase finger paint on Custom UIView in iPhone


if touch tapCount 1 NSLog @ Paint Start path CGPathCreateMutable previousPoint lastPoint self setNeedsDisplay self.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor void touchesMoved NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event NSLog @ touchesMoved lastPoint touches anyObject..

How can I change the saturation of an UIImage?


float sat saturation sat self setNeedsDisplay id initWithFrame CGRect frame if self super initWithFrame frame self.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor else background is black desaturation 0.0 default is no effect return self void drawRect CGRect rect..

How to programmatically add a UINavigationBar and a back button on it


UITabBarControllerDelegate NoteView.m id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame if self self.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithRed 0.6f green 0.6f blue 1.0f alpha 1.0f self.font UIFont fontWithName @ MarkerFelt Thin size 20 self.contentMode..

how to convert UIView part as UIImage in iphone application


MyLineDrawingView id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame if self Initialization code self.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor myPath UIBezierPath alloc init myPath.lineCapStyle kCGLineCapRound myPath.miterLimit 0 myPath.lineWidth..

self.delegate = self; what's wrong in doing that?


alloc initWithString @ senderObject sender self.textColor UIColor blackColor self.font UIFont systemFontOfSize 17.0 self.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor self.autocorrectionType UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo self.keyboardType UIKeyboardTypeDefault self.returnKeyType..

iOS 7 dynamic blur effect like in Control Center


NSCoder coder if self super initWithCoder coder self setup return self void setup if iOS7OrLater self.opaque NO self.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor UIToolbar toolbar UIToolbar alloc initWithFrame self.bounds toolbar.autoresizingMask UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth..

Creating a Pop animation similar to the presentation of UIAlertView


done I could not find anything on Google . Thank you. id initWithFrame CGRect frame if self super initWithFrame frame self.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor v UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 140 140 60 60 v.backgroundColor UIColor blueColor self addSubview..

How can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?


_numberOfPages 1 self setNeedsDisplay id initWithFrame CGRect frame if self super initWithFrame frame Default colors. self.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor self.dotColorCurrentPage UIColor blackColor self.dotColorOtherPage UIColor lightGrayColor UISwipeGestureRecognizer..

Bottom pop-up UIPicker?


screenRect.size.height pickerSize.height pickerSize.width pickerSize.height self.datePickerView.frame pickerRect self.backgroundColor UIColorMakeRGBA 64 64 64 0.7f int show 0.7f if show self.datePickerView.frame startRect self.parentViewController addSubviewToWindow.. self UIView beginAnimations nil context nil UIView setAnimationDuration 0.3f UIView setAnimationDelegate self self.backgroundColor UIColorMakeRGBA 64 64 64 0.0f int show 0.7f if show self.datePickerView.frame pickerRect else UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector..

iPad (very) simple drawing


@implementation CanvasView @synthesize points id initWithFrame CGRect frame if self super initWithFrame frame self.backgroundColor UIColor blueColor return self void drawRect CGRect rect if self.points.count 0 return CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext..

UITextView ruled line background but wrong line height


#import NoteView.h @implementation NoteView id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame if self self.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithRed 1.0f green 1.0f blue 0.6f alpha 1.0f self.font UIFont fontWithName @ MarkerFelt Thin size 19 return..

MKPinannotation detail disclosure button - present new view


drawRect CGRect rect do nothing in here Set properties to make background translucent. void applyTranslucentBackground self.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor self.opaque NO self.translucent YES Override init. id init self super init self applyTranslucentBackground..

iPhone: Adding a Done button within a pop up DatePicker frame


doneSelector _doneSelector id initWithFrame CGRect frame if self super initWithFrame frame self.originalFrame frame self.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor CGFloat width self.bounds.size.width UIDatePicker picker UIDatePicker alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake..

Is there an SDK to draw lines on iOS with touch?


UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight drawImage.frame self.bounds self addSubview drawImage self.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor mouseMoved 0 _drawingPenColor UIColor alloc initWithWhite 0.0 alpha 1.0 void maskImage UIImage image.. _drawingPenColor CGColor else CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext self.backgroundColor CGColor CGContextStrokePath UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextFlush UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext drawImage.image UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext..

UIView Popup like UIAlertView


isShown id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame if self originalFrame frame self.alpha 0 self.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor UILabel label UILabel alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 frame.size.width 20 label.text @ Hellooooo label.textAlignment..

Custom UIPageControl view, replacing dots with “Page X of Y”


CGRect iRect UIImage grey image red int i CGRect rect const CGFloat kSpacing 10.0 iRect self.bounds if self.opaque self.backgroundColor set UIRectFill iRect if self.hidesForSinglePage self.numberOfPages 1 return red UIImage imageNamed @ circle_graphic_red.png..

UIView: how to do non-destructive drawing?


copy from this off screen buffer to the view. Example id initWithCoder NSCoder coder if self super initWithCoder coder self.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor CGSize size self.frame.size drawingContext self createDrawingBufferContext size return self CGContextRef..