

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:45

iphone Programming Glossary: self.array

Console error: UICollectionView must be initialized with a non-nil layout parameter


return 1 NSInteger collectionView UICollectionView collectionView numberOfItemsInSection NSInteger section return self.array count UICollectionViewCell collectionView UICollectionView collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath.. CollectionCell collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier @ myCell forIndexPath indexPath aCell.title.text self.array indexPath.row return aCell void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.array @ @ First @ Second @ Thirth @ Fourth And in the.. forIndexPath indexPath aCell.title.text self.array indexPath.row return aCell void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.array @ @ First @ Second @ Thirth @ Fourth And in the .h @property strong nonatomic NSArray array In the console I receive the..

NSMutableArray addObject: -[__NSArrayI addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance


Here's the code Object.h NSMutableArray array @property copy NSMutableArray array Object.m @synthesize array if self.array self.array addObject anObject else self.array NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects anObject nil NOTE In debug anObject is NOT.. the code Object.h NSMutableArray array @property copy NSMutableArray array Object.m @synthesize array if self.array self.array addObject anObject else self.array NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects anObject nil NOTE In debug anObject is NOT nil at time.. array @property copy NSMutableArray array Object.m @synthesize array if self.array self.array addObject anObject else self.array NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects anObject nil NOTE In debug anObject is NOT nil at time of execution... I have tested anObject..

NSMutablearray move object from index to index


to ask this is how to reorder an NSMutableArray iphone objective c nsarray share improve this question id object self.array objectAtIndex index retain autorelease self.array removeObjectAtIndex index self.array insertObject object atIndex newIndex.. iphone objective c nsarray share improve this question id object self.array objectAtIndex index retain autorelease self.array removeObjectAtIndex index self.array insertObject object atIndex newIndex That's all. Taking care of the retain count is.. this question id object self.array objectAtIndex index retain autorelease self.array removeObjectAtIndex index self.array insertObject object atIndex newIndex That's all. Taking care of the retain count is important since the array might be the..

How to Select particular check Box in tableView which is inserted in table cell interface builder in iphone


@ RequestSongSelectingCell owner self options nil NSLog @ start cell requestingCell NSLog @ end NSDictionary dict self.array objectAtIndex indexPath.row NSString artistname dict objectForKey @ artist NSLog @ artistname is @ artistname cell.artistName.text..

Are there Anyone that use TableViewController without subclassing?


tableView return 1 NSInteger tableView UITableView tableView numberOfRowsInSection NSInteger section return self.array count UITableViewCell tableView UITableView aTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath int row indexPath row.. alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier autorelease cell.textLabel.text self.array objectAtIndex row return cell Then add a UITableView object to the XIB link the tableView of the controller to the UITableView..

Moving an image along a series of CGPoints


which I'd like to move an image along. Here's the general code I have so far void movePic id sender for int i 0 i self.array.count i CGPoint location self.array objectAtIndex i CGPointValue UIView animateWithDuration 0.1 animations ^ self.imageView.center.. along. Here's the general code I have so far void movePic id sender for int i 0 i self.array.count i CGPoint location self.array objectAtIndex i CGPointValue UIView animateWithDuration 0.1 animations ^ self.imageView.center location completion ^ BOOL.. void movePic id sender create a mutable core graphics path CGMutablePathRef path CGPathCreateMutable for int i 0 i self.array.count i CGPoint location self.array objectAtIndex index CGPointValue CGPathAddLineToPoint path nil location.x location.y..

MKMapView annotations changing/losing order?


isEqualToString @ FromList self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton TRUE else self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem nil self.array MySingleton getArray set up map declare latitude and longitude of map center CLLocationCoordinate2D center center.latitude.. region region.center center region.span span MapView.region MapView regionThatFits region for MyClass t in self.array MapView addAnnotation t super viewDidLoad this is the required method implementation for MKMapView annotations MKAnnotationView..