

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:45

iphone Programming Glossary: self.accesstoken

Login to Facebook using FBGraph


have been appended let's attach the access token.... url_string NSString stringWithFormat @ @access_token @ url_string self.accessToken First we need to Login to Facebook as shown I guess that it uses this code in FbGraph.m using UIWebView self.redirectUri..

How to list only online users on facebook with xmpp framework


@ expirationDate @ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ appDelegate.facebook.accessToken appDelegate.facebook.expirationDate self.accessToken appDelegate.facebook.accessToken if xmppStreamFB xmppStreamFB release xmppStreamFB nil xmppStreamFB XMPPStreamFacebook alloc.. @ xmppStreamDidConnect isOpen YES NSError error nil if self.xmppStreamFB authenticateWithAppId _APP_ID accessToken self.accessToken error error NSLog @ Error authenticating @ error else NSLog @ NO Error authenticating ChatViewController cvc ChatViewController.. @ expirationDate @ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ appDelegate.facebook.accessToken appDelegate.facebook.expirationDate self.accessToken appDelegate.facebook.accessToken if xmppStream xmppStream release xmppStream nil xmppStream XMPPStreamFacebook alloc init..

Picture post to Facebook ends up in the wrong place


user access_token so I made a change to Facebook.m at around line 166 from if self isSessionValid params setValue self.accessToken forKey @ access_token to if self isSessionValid if params valueForKey @ access_token nil params setValue self.accessToken.. forKey @ access_token to if self isSessionValid if params valueForKey @ access_token nil params setValue self.accessToken forKey @ access_token That keeps an access code you specify as part of the params from getting clobbered by the Facebook.accessToken...