

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:45

iphone Programming Glossary: selectrowatindexpath

How do I select a UITableViewCell by default?


table view wired to IBOutlet myTableView and that you wanted to select the first item in the first section myTableView selectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop I'm using this technique..

Select all the cells in UITableView


presses a button in the tool bar iphone share improve this question You can select a cell calling table view's selectRowAtIndexPath method menuTable selectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop.. share improve this question You can select a cell calling table view's selectRowAtIndexPath method menuTable selectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop However you can't select..

Select tableview row programmatically


tableview row so that void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath gets executed selectRowAtIndexPath will only highlight the row. iphone objective c cocoa touch share improve this question From reference documentation.. NSIndexPath indexPath self doSomethingWithRowAtIndexPath indexPath And then from where you wanted to call selectRowAtIndexPath you instead call doSomethingWithRowAtIndexPath. On top of that you can additionally also call selectRowAtIndexPath if you..

Application run on simulator but not on device in iphone


_slideNavigationController.view if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector initialSelectedIndexPath _tableView selectRowAtIndexPath self.delegate initialSelectedIndexPath animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop #pragma mark Instance Methods..

UITableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath: not being called on first tap


iPhone: didSelectRowAtIndexPath not invoked


these two items it is flashing blue and the GDB encounters interruption in __forwarding__ in scope of a UITableView _selectRowAtIndexPath . It's not reaching breakpoint set in my non empty method didSelectRowIndexPath. I checked the arguments and method's name.. share improve this question Apple's documentation says that didSelectRowAtIndexPath index will not be invoked when selectRowAtIndexPath indexPath is called. To call didSelectRowAtIndexPath use the following tableView delegate tableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath..

How to highlight a row in a UITableView


UITextView inside UITableView


time returns the cell it's held in which we can retrieve an index path from this is the edited part self.tableView selectRowAtIndexPath indexPath animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionNone this programmatically selects the cell you've called..

How to set row selected by default in UITableView?


indexPathForSelectedRow will give you the NSIndexPath for the current selected row. You can then do tableView selectRowAtIndexPath indexPath animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle to select that row and show it in the middle of the..

iOS - Linker Error, Duplicate Symbol


self presentModalViewController buildings animated YES tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath indexPath animated NO tableView selectRowAtIndexPath selectedIndex animated YES scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionNone.. presentModalViewController buildings animated YES tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath indexPath animated NO tableView selectRowAtIndexPath selectedIndex animated YES scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionNone self.slidingViewController anchorTopViewTo ECRight..