

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:43

iphone Programming Glossary: selectedbackgroundview

Applying background gradient to a Grouple table cell


over complicated drawing routines to render a custom UITableViewCell . Set the value of your cell's backgroundView and selectedBackgroundView properties to a standard UIImageView with all the borders bevels gradients rounded corners and whatever else you like in..

iPhone : UITableViewCell : changing background color of selected cell


TableView. iphone uitableviewcell colors background tableview share improve this question Changing the property selectedBackgroundView is correct and the simplest way. I use the following code to change the selection color set selection color UIView myBackView..

How to change the blue highlight color of a UITableViewCell?


property of your cell. If you change it to UITableViewCellSelectionStyleGray it will be gray. Change the selectedBackgroundView property. Actually what creates the blue gradient is a view. You can create a view and draw what ever you like and use the..

How do I set UITableViewCellSelectionStyle property to some custom color?


iphone cocoa touch uitableview share improve this question The best way to set the selection is to set the selectedBackgroundView on the cell when you construct it. i.e. UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath.. if cell nil cell UITableViewCell alloc initWithFrame CGRectZero reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier autorelease cell.selectedBackgroundView UIImageView alloc initWithImage UIImage imageNamed @ SelectedCellBackground.png autorelease configure the cell The image..

subclassed UITableViewCell - backgroundView covers up anything I do in drawRect


image covers up the image drawn in drawRect. There must be a way to be able to set a background image and the selectedBackgroundView without covering up what's being done in drawRect. Am I going about this the wrong way EDIT I've posted an example project..

UITableViewCell: How to prevent blue selection background w/o borking isSelected property?
