

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:43

iphone Programming Glossary: selectedimageurl

UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags


nil delegate self cancelButtonTitle nil destructiveButtonTitle nil otherButtonTitles nil selectedLinkURL @ selectedImageURL @ If an image was touched add image related buttons. if tags rangeOfString @ IMG .location NSNotFound selectedImageURL tagsSRC.. selectedImageURL @ If an image was touched add image related buttons. if tags rangeOfString @ IMG .location NSNotFound selectedImageURL tagsSRC if sheet.title nil sheet.title tagsSRC sheet addButtonWithTitle @ Save Image sheet addButtonWithTitle @ Copy Image.. @ Cancel sheet.cancelButtonIndex sheet.numberOfButtons 1 sheet showInView webView selectedLinkURL retain selectedImageURL retain sheet release NOTES selectedLinkURL and selectedImageURL are declared in the .h file to let them be accessed throughout..