

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:43

iphone Programming Glossary: selectedrowincomponent

UIPickerView that looks like UIDatePicker but with seconds


IBAction calculateTimeFromPicker NSString hoursStr NSString stringWithFormat @ @ hoursArray objectAtIndex pickerView selectedRowInComponent 0 NSString minsStr NSString stringWithFormat @ @ minsArray objectAtIndex pickerView selectedRowInComponent 1 NSString secsStr.. pickerView selectedRowInComponent 0 NSString minsStr NSString stringWithFormat @ @ minsArray objectAtIndex pickerView selectedRowInComponent 1 NSString secsStr NSString stringWithFormat @ @ secsArray objectAtIndex pickerView selectedRowInComponent 2 int hoursInt.. pickerView selectedRowInComponent 1 NSString secsStr NSString stringWithFormat @ @ secsArray objectAtIndex pickerView selectedRowInComponent 2 int hoursInt hoursStr intValue int minsInt minsStr intValue int secsInt secsStr intValue interval secsInt minsInt 60 hoursInt..

UIPickerView: last value followed by first value


or memory leak all you have allocated is the single array. Whenever you access their selected choice use localPicker selectedRowInComponent 0 pickerData count . If there's something you don't understand or something I missed please comment. Hope this helped ..

Custom UIPickerView with three Components each showing label on Selection Indicator


respondsToSelector @selector pickerView didSelectRow inComponent self.delegate pickerView self didSelectRow self selectedRowInComponent component inComponent component And call this addLabel method with the label text and component tag and thats it.. share..

Failed to save to data store: The operation couldn?™t be completed. (Cocoa error 133020.)


wartoscOceny nowaOcenka.wartosc NSNumber numberWithFloat slownik_ocen self.slownikOcen objectAtIndex ocena selectedRowInComponent 0 wartosc_liczbowa floatValue nowaOcenka.ocena NSString stringWithFormat @ @ slownik_ocen self.slownikOcen objectAtIndex.. floatValue nowaOcenka.ocena NSString stringWithFormat @ @ slownik_ocen self.slownikOcen objectAtIndex ocena selectedRowInComponent 0 ocena_opis nowaOcenka.semestr NSNumber numberWithInt Factory getVar @ cSemestr intValue lekcje Factory getVar @ cLekcja..

Dependent UIPickerView


pickerView UIPickerView pickerView didSelectRow NSInteger row inComponent NSInteger component selectedIndex pickerView selectedRowInComponent 0 if component 1 selectedIndex 0 pickerView reloadComponent 2 pickerView selectRow 0 inComponent 2 animated YES and UIView..

How To Get Selected Value From UIPickerView


to do this Update This code works for picker with 1 component NSInteger row NSString weightSelected row repPicker selectedRowInComponent 0 weightSelected pickerArray objectAtIndex row I tired this code for my picker with 2 components but it is freezing NSInteger.. 2 components but it is freezing NSInteger row1 row2 NSString weightSelected1 NSString weightSelected2 row1 repPicker selectedRowInComponent 0 row2 repPicker selectedRowInComponent 1 weightSelected1 pickerArray objectAtIndex row1 weightSelected2 pickerArray objectAtIndex.. row1 row2 NSString weightSelected1 NSString weightSelected2 row1 repPicker selectedRowInComponent 0 row2 repPicker selectedRowInComponent 1 weightSelected1 pickerArray objectAtIndex row1 weightSelected2 pickerArray objectAtIndex row2 NSString weightSelected..

UIPickerView - 1st row selection does not call didSelectRow


NSInteger component report the selection to the UI label self setSelectText myArray objectAtIndex pickerView selectedRowInComponent 0 The problem arises when the user edits the text and then decides he after all wants to use the first value of the picker... the button or other event you are using using something similar to void myAction id sender NSInteger row myPicker selectedRowInComponent 0 selectedText myArray objectAtIndex 0 For clearing the text The UITextField class provides a built in button for clearing..

Get selected value of a picker view that is present in different view and use the string in some other view


object of the viewController1 i.e. viewController1 vC1 and I tried to access the groupPicker like vC1.groupPicker selectedRowInComponent row but as we can expect it throws an error i.e. row undeclared I tried to access the array as I have assigned for number..