

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:43

iphone Programming Glossary: selectedobject

Passing a ManagedObjectContext to a second view


indexPath Navigation logic may go here for example create and push another view controller. NSManagedObject selectedObject self fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath SecondViewController secondViewController SecondViewController.. secondViewController SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondView bundle nil secondViewController.tName selectedObject valueForKey @ name description secondViewController.managedObjectContext self managedObjectContext self.navigationController..

Access UITableView cell and swipe between them from DetailView using XCode 4


indexPathForSelectedRow DetailViewController detailViewController segue destinationViewController detailViewController.selectedObject sortedObjects objectAtIndex selectedRowIndex.row @end Then the DetailViewController recieves the selected object to populate.. countryLabel @property nonatomic strong IBOutlet UIImageView bottleImageView @property nonatomic strong NSString selectedObject @end DetailViewController.m #import WinesDetailViewController.h @interface WinesDetailViewController @end @implementation.. @end @implementation WinesDetailViewController @synthesize districtLabel countryLabel bottleImageView @synthesize selectedObject id initWithNibName NSString nibNameOrNil bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle nibBundleOrNil..

calling methods across view controllers


object as an ivar. When the user chooses an object in VCA VCA instantiates VCB if not already instantiated sets VCB's selectedObject property to that object and then pushes VCB. VCB reads from the object assigned to its selectedObject property to draw its.. sets VCB's selectedObject property to that object and then pushes VCB. VCB reads from the object assigned to its selectedObject property to draw its information into the view. In VCA for every one of the items that the user can select there needs to..

Getting an NSInvalidArguementException error


request setEntity entity NSIndexPath indexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 NSManagedObject selectedObject entityArray objectAtIndex indexPath.row NSLog @ After managedObjectContext @ managedObjectContext NSError error nil NSMutableArray.. error. self.entityArray mutableFetchResults request setPredicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ routineExercises @ selectedObject mutableFetchResults release request release void viewDidUnload NSLog @ viewDidUnload super viewDidUnload self.exerciseChooserView..

How to pass sender tag in DetailView to get default Map application for direction?


app. But respective address is not passing in default map app NSInteger selectedIndex sender tag AddressAnnotation selectedObject self.annobjs objectAtIndex selectedIndex marker aMarker appDelegate.markers objectAtIndex selectedIndex NSString EndLoc..