

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:45

iphone Programming Glossary: self.alpha

Highlighting a UIControl subclass


UIView Popup like UIAlertView


@synthesize isShown id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame if self originalFrame frame self.alpha 0 self.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor UILabel label UILabel alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 frame.size.width 20 label.text.. #pragma mark Custom alert methods void show NSLog @ show isShown YES self.transform CGAffineTransformMakeScale 0.1 0.1 self.alpha 0 UIView beginAnimations @ showAlert context nil UIView setAnimationDelegate self self.transform CGAffineTransformMakeScale.. @ showAlert context nil UIView setAnimationDelegate self self.transform CGAffineTransformMakeScale 1.1 1.1 self.alpha 1 UIView commitAnimations void hide NSLog @ hide isShown NO UIView beginAnimations @ hideAlert context nil UIView setAnimationDelegate..

UIView beginAnimations with subviews


UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.25 self.transform CGAffineTransformMakeScale 1 1 self.alpha 1.0 UIView commitAnimations Try setting self.transform to CGAffineTransformMakeScale 0 0 before beginning the animation..

Fade in/out UIScrollView's content like Mobile Safari does in its tab


.origin.x CGFloat delta fabs origin offset UIView beginAnimations @ Fading context nil if delta self frame .size.width self.alpha 1 delta self.frame.size.width 0.7 else self.alpha 0.3 UIView commitAnimations Of course you will need to remove the observer.. beginAnimations @ Fading context nil if delta self frame .size.width self.alpha 1 delta self.frame.size.width 0.7 else self.alpha 0.3 UIView commitAnimations Of course you will need to remove the observer when you remove the content view from superview..