

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: sectiontitle

iOS Using NSDictionary to load data into section and rows


caseInsensitiveCompare return sections objectAtIndexPath indexPath.section Then to get a row in a section NSString sectionTitle get the section title calling the above code NSArray items self.dataSource objectForKey sectionTitle return items objectAtIndex..

Application run on simulator but not on device in iphone


datasource objectAtIndex section if sectionDictionary objectForKey kSlideViewControllerSectionTitleKey NSString sectionTitle sectionDictionary objectForKey kSlideViewControllerSectionTitleKey if sectionTitle isEqualToString kSlideViewControllerSectionTitleNoTitle.. NSString sectionTitle sectionDictionary objectForKey kSlideViewControllerSectionTitleKey if sectionTitle isEqualToString kSlideViewControllerSectionTitleNoTitle return nil else return sectionTitle else return nil UIView.. if sectionTitle isEqualToString kSlideViewControllerSectionTitleNoTitle return nil else return sectionTitle else return nil UIView tableView UITableView tableView viewForHeaderInSection NSInteger section if _slideNavigationControllerState..

How to change font color of the title in grouped type UITableView?


white color font and shadow UIView tableView UITableView tableView viewForHeaderInSection NSInteger section NSString sectionTitle self tableView tableView titleForHeaderInSection section if sectionTitle nil return nil UILabel label UILabel alloc init.. NSInteger section NSString sectionTitle self tableView tableView titleForHeaderInSection section if sectionTitle nil return nil UILabel label UILabel alloc init label.frame CGRectMake 20 8 320 20 label.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor..

UITableView section header is all black


header needed return 0 UIView tableView UITableView tableView viewForHeaderInSection NSInteger section NSString sectionTitle self tableView tableView titleForHeaderInSection section if sectionTitle nil return nil Create label with section title.. NSInteger section NSString sectionTitle self tableView tableView titleForHeaderInSection section if sectionTitle nil return nil Create label with section title UILabel label UILabel alloc init autorelease label.frame CGRectMake 20 6.. UIColor whiteColor label.shadowOffset CGSizeMake 0.0 1.0 label.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 16 label.text sectionTitle Create header view and add label as a subview UIView view UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 320 SectionHeaderHeight..