

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:43

iphone Programming Glossary: segmentedcontrol

How do I use a UISegmentedControl to switch views?


how you can use the UISegmentControl to toggle the visible view IBAction segmentSwitch id sender UISegmentedControl segmentedControl UISegmentedControl sender NSInteger selectedSegment segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex if selectedSegment 0 toggle the.. segmentSwitch id sender UISegmentedControl segmentedControl UISegmentedControl sender NSInteger selectedSegment segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex if selectedSegment 0 toggle the correct view to be visible firstView setHidden NO secondView setHidden..

Customizing Left & Right UISegmentedControl Buttons


button and a right image for the second button. How would I do this using UIAppearance I want to change the following segmentedControl to something similar like below The reason I want to use a custom image is so that I can change the corners of the buttons...

UISegmentedControl register taps on selected segment


see a selectedSegmentIndex equal to UISegmentedControlNoSegment IBAction valueChanged id sender UISegmentedControl segmentedControl UISegmentedControl sender switch segmentedControl selectedSegmentIndex case 0 do something break case 1 do something break.. IBAction valueChanged id sender UISegmentedControl segmentedControl UISegmentedControl sender switch segmentedControl selectedSegmentIndex case 0 do something break case 1 do something break case UISegmentedControlNoSegment do something break..

Need approach to show tables using segmented control?


callback method to return the right data based on which value is selected in the segmented control. First add the segmentedControl to the titleView and set a callback function for when it is changed void addSegmentedControl NSArray segmentItems NSArray.. function for when it is changed void addSegmentedControl NSArray segmentItems NSArray arrayWithObjects @ One @ Two nil segmentedControl UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems segmentItems retain segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar.. NSArray arrayWithObjects @ One @ Two nil segmentedControl UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems segmentItems retain segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex 0 segmentedControl addTarget self..

Change font size of UISegmentedControl


12.0f NSDictionary attributes NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject font forKey NSFontAttributeName segmentedControl setTitleTextAttributes attributes forState UIControlStateNormal EDIT UITextAttributeFont has been depreciated use NSFontAttributeName..

How to set image to the UISegmentedControl in iphone?


of title.Here is my code NSArray itemArray NSArray arrayWithObjects @ segment1 @ segment2 nil UISegmentedControl segmentedControl UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems itemArray segmentedControl.frame CGRectMake 5 100 300 40 segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle.. @ segment1 @ segment2 nil UISegmentedControl segmentedControl UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems itemArray segmentedControl.frame CGRectMake 5 100 300 40 segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex.. segmentedControl UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems itemArray segmentedControl.frame CGRectMake 5 100 300 40 segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex 1 self.view addSubview segmentedControl..

UISegmentedControl change event not firing in iOS5


segmentChangeAction is called whether in iOS4 or iOS5. When I programmatically change the selected segment through segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex newIndex on iOS4 segmentChangeAction is called and the segment reflects the new selection. However.. sendActionsForControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged yourself. However you have to be careful with this. Say you do segmentedControl setSelectedSegmentIndex newIndex segmentedControl sendActionsForControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged If you build and.. yourself. However you have to be careful with this. Say you do segmentedControl setSelectedSegmentIndex newIndex segmentedControl sendActionsForControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged If you build and run this on iOS 5 it works as you expect. If you..

Record the drawing as a m4v video file - OpenGL


CGFloat components 3 Create a segmented control so that the user can choose the brush color. UISegmentedControl segmentedControl UISegmentedControl alloc initWithItems NSArray arrayWithObjects UIImage imageNamed @ Red.png UIImage imageNamed.. kRightMargin kPaletteHeight CGRect frame CGRectMake 50 22 rect.size.width kLeftMargin kRightMargin 20 kPaletteHeight segmentedControl.frame frame When the user chooses a color the method changeBrushColor is called. segmentedControl addTarget self action.. 20 kPaletteHeight segmentedControl.frame frame When the user chooses a color the method changeBrushColor is called. segmentedControl addTarget self action @selector changeBrushColor forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged segmentedControl.segmentedControlStyle..