

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: sectionnamekeypath

NSFetchedResultsController with sections created by first letter of a string


act as the section division but this seems kludgy. Here's what I'm starting with ... the trick seems to be fooling the sectionNameKeyPath NSFetchedResultsController fetchedResultsController .........SOME STUFF DELETED Edit the sort key as appropriate. NSSortDescriptor.. NSFetchedResultsController alloc initWithFetchRequest fetchRequest managedObjectContext managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath @ personName cacheName @ Root .... iphone ios objective c core data share improve this question Dave DeLong's approach.. NSFetchedResultsController alloc initWithFetchRequest fetchRequest managedObjectContext managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath @ committeeNameInitial cacheName @ Root PREVIOUSLY Following Dave's initial steps to the letter generated issues where it..

Using custom sections with NSFetchedResultsController?


am having a hard time getting custom sections worked out. Normally one would just have an attribute to sort by and use sectionNameKeyPath to generate the sections. But my sorting attribute is calculated on the fly and I can't seem to get the fetchedResultsController.. NSFetchedResultsController alloc initWithFetchRequest fetchRequest managedObjectContext managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath @ myDateAttribute.daysAgo cacheName @ Root Here's where I'm stuck I don't need them sorted by days ago I need them sorted..

How to use the first character as a section name


on the side . Is there a way to do this with the key path Something like below where I use name.firstLetter as the sectionNameKeyPath unfortunately that doesn't work . Do I have to grab the first letter of each result manually and create my sections like.. create my sections like that Is it better to put in a new property to just hold the first letter and use that as the sectionNameKeyPath NSFetchedResultsController aFetchedResultsController NSFetchedResultsController alloc initWithFetchRequest fetchRequest.. NSFetchedResultsController alloc initWithFetchRequest fetchRequest managedObjectContext managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath @ name.firstLetter cacheName @ Root Thanks. EDIT I'm not sure if it makes a difference but my results are Japanese sorted..

A NSFetchedResultsController with date as sectionNameKeyPath


NSFetchedResultsController with date as sectionNameKeyPath I develop an application which uses Core Data. In one UITableView I want to display a list of my entities sorted by the.. NSFetchedResultsController alloc initWithFetchRequest fetchRequest managedObjectContext managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath @ date cacheName nil I get for each object a new section because this code groups the dates according to the seconds too... that is formatted in a similar way to the above code i.e. without H mm ss ZZZZ and use that attribute as your sectionNameKeyPath value. So in a nutshell for a foo object with fooDate and fooDateTransient attributes you would Get your foo.fooDate attribute..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


alloc initWithFetchRequest fetchRequest managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath nil cacheName nil aFetchedResultsController.delegate self fetchRequest release NSError error nil if aFetchedResultsController..

How to list only online users on facebook with xmpp framework


alloc initWithFetchRequest fetchRequest managedObjectContext self managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath @ sectionNum cacheName nil fetchedResultsController setDelegate self sd1 release sd2 release fetchRequest release NSError..