

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:43

iphone Programming Glossary: segmented

HTTP Live Streaming, FFMPEG & FFSERVER, and iPhone OS 3


file or stream into ffmpeg and pipe an H.264 video with MP3 audio into Apple's segmenter. The segmenter spits out segmented video files and M3U playlists pointing to the segmented files. You'd serve the segmented files and playlists via a web server.. with MP3 audio into Apple's segmenter. The segmenter spits out segmented video files and M3U playlists pointing to the segmented files. You'd serve the segmented files and playlists via a web server like Apache. Obviously you'll want to tweak the ffmpeg.. The segmenter spits out segmented video files and M3U playlists pointing to the segmented files. You'd serve the segmented files and playlists via a web server like Apache. Obviously you'll want to tweak the ffmpeg and segmenter options substantially..

UISegmentedControl register taps on selected segment


register taps on selected segment I have a segmented control where the user can select how to order a list. Works fine. However I would like that when an already selected segment.. segment isn't actually changing . Is there a solution for this And if so what is it Thanks in advance iphone uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question You can subclass UISegmentedControl and then override setSelectedSegmentIndex void.. see a selectedSegmentIndex equal to UISegmentedControlNoSegment IBAction valueChanged id sender UISegmentedControl segmentedControl UISegmentedControl sender switch segmentedControl selectedSegmentIndex case 0 do something break case 1 do something..

Changing the Sorting in an NSFetchedResultsController on the fly


on the fly I'm trying to change the sorting in a NSFetchController on the fly by some sort of segmented control. To either sort A Z Z A type thing. What do I have to do to do this I'm following Jeff Lamarche's example here Here.. as your table view data source create an NSArray that you set when the user changes sort order with your segmented control basing the array contents on the fetched results. Then just sort using standard array sorting. Something like this..

Need approach to show tables using segmented control?


approach to show tables using segmented control Hi there I using a segmented control on a view. With the help of this segmented control I would like to display.. approach to show tables using segmented control Hi there I using a segmented control on a view. With the help of this segmented control I would like to display to different tables on my view Suppose.. approach to show tables using segmented control Hi there I using a segmented control on a view. With the help of this segmented control I would like to display to different tables on my view Suppose I have two segments in my table on tap of segment..

UISegmentedControl selected segment color


selected segment color Is there any way to customize color of selected segment in UISegmentedControl I've found segmentedController.tintColor property which lets me customize color of the whole segmented control. The problem is when I select.. in UISegmentedControl I've found segmentedController.tintColor property which lets me customize color of the whole segmented control. The problem is when I select bright color for tintColor property selected segment becomes almost unrecognizable.. for tintColor property selected segment becomes almost unrecognizable its color is almost the same as the rest of segmented control so its hard to distinguish selected and unselected segments . So I cannot use any good bright colors for segmented..

Change font size of UISegmentedControl


Can anyone please tell me how can I change the font type and size of UISegmentedControl iphone ios cocoa touch uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question I ran into the same issue. This code sets the font size for the entire segmented.. share improve this question I ran into the same issue. This code sets the font size for the entire segmented control. Something similar might work for setting the font type. Note that this is only available for iOS5 UIFont font UIFont.. 12.0f NSDictionary attributes NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject font forKey NSFontAttributeName segmentedControl setTitleTextAttributes attributes forState UIControlStateNormal EDIT UITextAttributeFont has been depreciated use..

Gesture recognizer and button actions


UIGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch UITouch touch Disallow recognition of tap gestures in the segmented control. if touch.view yourButton change it to your condition return NO return YES hope it will help Edit As Daniel noted..

UISwitch customization?


UIColor orangeColor On Color If you want to use image use the following cool hack of using the segmented control. http stackoverflow.com a 5088099 1705353 If you want to write a lot of code you can write your own control. Valeriy..

How to change the Color of text in UITabBarItem in iOS 5


by UIBarItem. You can also use the methods listed in œCustomizing Appearance. You can customize the appearance of all segmented controls using the appearance proxy for example UITabBarItem appearance or just of a single tab bar. You can also provide..

Programmatically force a UIScrollView to stop scrolling, for sharing a table view with multiple data sources


whose data source and delegate are switched between a couple of custom data source objects when the user touches a segmented control think Top Paid vs Top Free in the app store app . Each data source object saves its last scroll content offset and.. This works well when the user switches the data source when the table is at rest but if the user hits the segmented control while the table is still moving i.e. decelerating the table view continues to decelerate from the old offset effectively..