

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:42

iphone Programming Glossary: seektotime

Rewind AVPlayer by 5 seconds


How to get Duration from AVPlayer (Not AVAudioPlayer)?


to create the Slider for fast forward rewind and progress of the playback I read the doc on AVPlayer it has a built in seekToTime or seekToTime toleranceBefore toleranceAfter . I don't really understand it. Would this be the answer for my slider AVPlayer.. Slider for fast forward rewind and progress of the playback I read the doc on AVPlayer it has a built in seekToTime or seekToTime toleranceBefore toleranceAfter . I don't really understand it. Would this be the answer for my slider AVPlayer also has..

MPMoviePlayerController switching movies causes white flash


play void movieOneItemDidReachEnd NSNotification notification play movie two once movie one finishes self.player seekToTime kCMTimeZero self.player replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem self.movieTwoItem self.player play void movieTwoItemDidReachEnd.. play void movieTwoItemDidReachEnd NSNotification notification play movie one once movie two finishes self.player seekToTime kCMTimeZero self.player replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem self.movieOneItem self.player play share improve this answer..

Facebook connect Batch requests and FQL error problem


Playing many different videos on iphone using AVPlayer


self.myView addSubview moviePlayer.view completion ^ BOOL finished self.moviePlayer.player seekToTime CMTimeMake curTime 1 self.moviePlayer playMovie else UIView animateWithDuration 0.5 delay 0.0 options UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft.. self.otherView addSubview moviePlayer.view completion ^ BOOL finished self.moviePlayer.player seekToTime CMTimeMake curTime 1 self.moviePlayer playMovie And last the gesture action void handleSwipeFromLeft UISwipeGestureRecognizer..

AVPlayer Video SeekToTime


timeSlider.maximumValue CMTime newTime CMTimeMakeWithSeconds timeSlider.value playspeed newTime.value 60 player seekToTime newTime IBAction MoveBackward CMTime newTime CMTimeMakeWithSeconds timeSlider.value 1 playspeed player seekToTime newTime.. seekToTime newTime IBAction MoveBackward CMTime newTime CMTimeMakeWithSeconds timeSlider.value 1 playspeed player seekToTime newTime My Problem on this is the time to Seek is not working properly. That navigate to next frame based on seconds. I.. how I did the slider part. IBAction sliding id sender CMTime newTime CMTimeMakeWithSeconds seeker.value 1 self.player seekToTime newTime void setSlider sliderTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 1.0 target self selector @selector updateSlider..

Why does MPMoviePlayerController setCurrentPlaybackTime goes to the wrong time?


with the media file iphone objective c mpmovieplayercontroller share improve this question You should seek using seekToTime or seekToTimeWithSeconds. CMTime npt CMTimeMake 9 1 self.player seekToTime npt or CMTime npt CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 9.3 600.. file iphone objective c mpmovieplayercontroller share improve this question You should seek using seekToTime or seekToTimeWithSeconds. CMTime npt CMTimeMake 9 1 self.player seekToTime npt or CMTime npt CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 9.3 600 self.player.. this question You should seek using seekToTime or seekToTimeWithSeconds. CMTime npt CMTimeMake 9 1 self.player seekToTime npt or CMTime npt CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 9.3 600 self.player seekToTime npt toleranceBefore kCMTimeZero toleranceAfter kCMTimeZero..