

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:42

iphone Programming Glossary: secured

Integrating iPhone Application with Shibboleth


below. All we need to do now is receive the response from the SP and display it. If all goes well this should be the secured page originally requested. @interface AuthenticationRedirectDelegate NSObject NSMutableData authResponseData NSString authResponseString.. 5. Use a new instance of AuthenticationRedirectDelegate to receive the POST's response which should be the secured page originally requested. 6. Display the final content in the UITextView known as console. @implementation ConsoleViewController.. this UIViewController finishes loading automatically prepare and send a request to the Shibboleth SP Web Server for a secured resource. void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad console UITextView alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen bounds self view..

iPhone web service calls to WCF Service with Certificate Authentication


xml json ... Message layer security encrypted message body over an open transport http Secured messages over a secured transport The last time I was doing WCF about a year ago the general recommendation from Microsoft seemed to be Message..

How to implement NTLM Authentication for UIWebView?


implement NTLM Authentication for UIWebView I have a use case where a UIWebView may need to connect with a web server secured with NTLM. I also have a use case where I already have the credentials to be passed. So instead of forcing the user to enter..

Implementing REST Service (JSON) on Google AppEngine


How Should I Secure a SQLite Database in iOS?


security and keep your app simple to use. The main thing you are geting with keychain is that the user backups are secured because keychain content isn't backed up with iphone. But I guess you know that already But this is huge security plus as..

Cannot view Quicktime movies over HTTPS in Safari or UIWebView


configuration utility. I verified this works because Safari doesn't prompt me about the certificate when visiting the secured site like it would before. I can view the movie over HTTPS using normal browsers such as FF or Safari on OSX just not iOS...

iphone: upload image to server using ASIFormDataRequest


request ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL url request setUseKeychainPersistence YES if you have your site secured by .htaccess request setUsername @ login request setPassword @ password NSString fileName NSString stringWithFormat @ ipodfile..

Selecting language of the keyboard for UITextField with secureTextEntry


login then it is all right I can change the keyboard to hebrew and enter login. But when I try to enter password in secured textField the keyboard appears without select language button so I can enter only english letters. The thing is that logins.. The thing is that logins passwords could be in english or in hebrew. How can I put the select language button to the secured textField Thanks for the answer and have a good day iphone uitextfield languages share improve this question Didn't..

How to authenticate iOS/iPhone users with remote web application and re-use authentication ticket in future requests to the same web application?


auth facebook to for example authenticate users via facebook ... and once authenticated stores the authentication in a secured cookie named auth. What I want to know is how to authenticate my users from the iOS iPhone application persist the authentication..

Store an encryption key in Keychain while application installation process


use client's phone number to generate unique ID for my web service. Of course a phone number is unique but it must be secured. So it can be implemented with symmetric encryption asymmetric will be later because leak of resources but I do not know..