

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:42

iphone Programming Glossary: seed

Random number function is misfiring


won't display a new random number. c objective c iphone random share improve this question The problem is you're seeding with time . time is only updated every second so if you click it within the second you will seed the generator with the.. problem is you're seeding with time . time is only updated every second so if you click it within the second you will seed the generator with the same number which means you'll be getting the same number. You should only be seeding once at the..

Keychain group access to share data between my existing applications


know about custom URLs and it is of no use as I want data to be persistent. All my applications have different bundle seed ID as I can see from provisioning portal. I know that the main pre requisite for shared keychain access is that all of the.. I know that the main pre requisite for shared keychain access is that all of the applications have a common bundle seed ID. Now my question is how do I make sure that in this senario I can use Keychain to share data among all these applications.. that in this senario I can use Keychain to share data among all these applications Is it possible to change the bundle seed ID of all applications through Provisioning profile portal without doing any harm to any functionality Although I want to..

How to sort NSMutableArray of date objects


How to use Sample Code of “Core Data with iCloud” session 227 in WWDC 2012?


NO if self iCloudAvailable if self loadiCloudStore error NSLog @ Added iCloud Store check to see if we need to seed data from the seed store if SEED_ICLOUD_STORE deleted because SEED_ICLOUD_STORE value is false check to see if we need.. iCloudAvailable if self loadiCloudStore error NSLog @ Added iCloud Store check to see if we need to seed data from the seed store if SEED_ICLOUD_STORE deleted because SEED_ICLOUD_STORE value is false check to see if we need to seed or migrate.. from the seed store if SEED_ICLOUD_STORE deleted because SEED_ICLOUD_STORE value is false check to see if we need to seed or migrate data from the fallback store NSFileManager fm NSFileManager alloc init if fm fileExistsAtPath self fallbackStoreURL..

IOSurfaces - Artefacts in video and unable to grab video surfaces


mach_task_self 0 connect result IOMobileFramebufferGetLayerDefaultSurface connect 0 screenSurface uint32_t aseed IOSurfaceLock screenSurface kIOSurfaceLockReadOnly aseed uint32_t width IOSurfaceGetWidth screenSurface uint32_t height.. connect 0 screenSurface uint32_t aseed IOSurfaceLock screenSurface kIOSurfaceLockReadOnly aseed uint32_t width IOSurfaceGetWidth screenSurface uint32_t height IOSurfaceGetHeight screenSurface m_width width m_height height.. outAcc screenSurface destSurf dict NULL IOSurfaceUnlock screenSurface kIOSurfaceLockReadOnly aseed CFRelease outAcc MOST RELEVANT PART OF CODE CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes NULL width height kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA IOSurfaceGetBaseAddress..

generating random values in iPhone


objective c xcode random share improve this question arc4random is a built in function that does not require seeding and so therefore does not produce predictable sequences that can be generated by using a seed and it conveniently returns..

iPhone: random() function gives me the same random number everytime


color replacement in image for iphone application


dest dest CV_HSV2BGR cvSaveImage output.png dest method to for calculating threshold CvScalar getScaler CvScalar seed boolean plus if plus return CV_RGB seed.red seed.red thresold seed.green seed.green thresold seed.blue seed.blue thresold.. dest method to for calculating threshold CvScalar getScaler CvScalar seed boolean plus if plus return CV_RGB seed.red seed.red thresold seed.green seed.green thresold seed.blue seed.blue thresold else return CV_RGB seed.red seed.red thresold.. dest method to for calculating threshold CvScalar getScaler CvScalar seed boolean plus if plus return CV_RGB seed.red seed.red thresold seed.green seed.green thresold seed.blue seed.blue thresold else return CV_RGB seed.red seed.red thresold seed.green..

canonical way to randomize an NSArray in Objective C


i self count i 1 i NSUInteger j random_below i self exchangeObjectAtIndex i 1 withObjectAtIndex j @end Make sure you seed the random number generator with e.g. srandom time NULL sometime before you call it otherwise the output won't be very random...

Access App Identifier Prefix programmatically


App Identifier Prefix programmatically How can I access the Bundle Seed ID Team ID App Identifier Prefix string programmatically These are all the same thing as far as I can tell . I am using.. iphone objective c ios cocoa touch ipad share improve this question You can programmatically retrieve the Bundle Seed ID by looking at the access group attribute i.e. kSecAttrAccessGroup of an existing KeyChain item. In the code below I look.. the access group information from it and return the access group's first component separated by . period as the Bundle Seed ID. NSString bundleSeedID NSDictionary query NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys kSecClassGenericPassword kSecClass..

Keychain group access to share data between my existing applications


have a common bundle seed ID. To be clear what this means remember that an App ID consists of two parts Bundle Seed ID . Bundle Identifier The bundle seed ID is a unique within the App Store ten character string that is generated by Apple..

Code Sign error: Application Identifier 'com.reapptive.Floors2Go' which doesn't match the current setting 'com.reapptive.Floors2Go'


App ID and Bundle Seed ID in multiple applications with ASPN, InApp Purchase, and other


ID and Bundle Seed ID in multiple applications with ASPN InApp Purchase and other I will create multiple sale versions of the same application.. InApp Purchase While registering for App ID in Apple Program Portal is possible to create Bundle seed ID The Bundle Seed ID portion of your App ID can be utilized to share keychain access between multiple applications you build with a single..

Quartz PDF API Causing Out of Memory Crashes


Crashes I'm having crashing issues using the Quartz PDF API for iOS. At the moment I am compiling with the SDK 4.0 GM Seed and running on my 3.2 iPad I have tried using the 3.2 SDK with identical results . All the code I am using is based on the..

Obtain Apple software id number before appstore submission (for Appirater)


id supplied by Apple. As I haven't yet submitted my app I don't have this id number. I do of course have my Bundle Seed ID and Bundle Identifier but my understanding is that these are not the same. Is it possible to obtain the software id before..

Objective-C ARC Error: -fobjc-arc is not supported with fragile abi


automatic ref counting share improve this question From Apple's developer forums This is an unfortunate bug in Seed 3 where the migrator and simulator aren't working well together. To address this just switch to a device target then do..