

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:42

iphone Programming Glossary: sectrustref

get pfx file included in a mobilecertificate in iOS


pfx NSData pfxdata NSData dataWithContentsOfFile path CFDataRef inpfxdata CFDataRef pfxdata SecIdentityRef myIdentity SecTrustRef myTrust OSStatus status extractIdentityAndTrust inpfxdata myIdentity myTrust SecCertificateRef myCertificate SecIdentityCopyCertificate.. method. OSStatus extractIdentityAndTrust CFDataRef inpfxdata identity SecIdentityRef identity trust SecTrustRef trust OSStatus securityError errSecSuccess CFStringRef password CFSTR password const void keys kSecImportExportPassphrase..

iPhone: How to create a SecKeyRef from a public key file (PEM)


kCFAllocatorDefault myCertData CFArrayRef certs CFArrayCreate kCFAllocatorDefault const void cert 1 NULL SecTrustRef trust SecTrustCreateWithCertificates certs policy trust SecTrustResultType trustResult SecTrustEvaluate trust trustResult..

Unable to trust a self signed certificate on iphone


connection didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge NSURLAuthenticationChallenge challenge SecTrustResultType results SecTrustRef trust challenge protectionSpace serverTrust SecTrustEvaluate trust results if results kSecTrustResultProceed results kSecTrustResultConfirm..

NSURLCredentialStorage and client certificate authentication


NSData alloc initWithContentsOfFile thePath CFDataRef inPKCS12Data CFDataRef PKCS12Data SecIdentityRef identity SecTrustRef trust extractIdentityAndTrust inPKCS12Data identity trust SecCertificateRef certificate NULL SecIdentityCopyCertificate..

send RSA public key to iphone and use it to encrypt


kCFAllocatorDefault __bridge CFDataRef certificate SecPolicyRef policy SecPolicyCreateBasicX509 SecTrustRef trust OSStatus status SecTrustCreateWithCertificates cert policy trust SecTrustResultType trustResult if status noErr status..

Does SecTrustEvaluate() look for root certificates in the application keychain?


of certs and compare it to something like a SHA1 of the challenge's server trust reference way #1 iOS built in SecTrustRef trust challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust CFIndex cnt SecTrustGetCertificateCount trust way #2 build it in yourself from..