

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: searchfield

How to change inside background color of UISearchBar component on iOS


color share improve this question use this code for change the searchBar' UITextField backGroundImage UITextField searchField NSUInteger numViews searchBar.subviews count for int i 0 i numViews i if searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex i isKindOfClass.. count for int i 0 i numViews i if searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex i isKindOfClass UITextField class conform searchField searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex i if searchField nil searchField.textColor UIColor whiteColor searchField setBackground.. objectAtIndex i isKindOfClass UITextField class conform searchField searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex i if searchField nil searchField.textColor UIColor whiteColor searchField setBackground UIImage imageNamed @ yourImage just add here gray..

Customizing search bar in iPhone application Development


question you can subclass the UISearchBar and override the layoutSubviews method void layoutSubviews UITextField searchField NSUInteger numViews self.subviews count for int i 0 i numViews i if self.subviews objectAtIndex i isKindOfClass UITextField.. self.subviews count for int i 0 i numViews i if self.subviews objectAtIndex i isKindOfClass UITextField class conform searchField self.subviews objectAtIndex i if searchField nil searchField.textColor UIColor whiteColor searchField setBackground UIImage.. if self.subviews objectAtIndex i isKindOfClass UITextField class conform searchField self.subviews objectAtIndex i if searchField nil searchField.textColor UIColor whiteColor searchField setBackground UIImage imageNamed @ yourImage.png searchField setBorderStyle..