

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: searchtext

UISearchbar clearButton forces the keyboard to appear


searchBar textDidChange and searchBarShouldBeginEditing methods void searchBar UISearchBar bar textDidChange NSString searchText NSLog @ searchBar textDidChange isFirstResponder i self.searchBar isFirstResponder if searchBar isFirstResponder user tapped..

iOS Search Results Order


this question You have to give the search option as NSAnchoredSearch NSRange searchRange sortedString rangeOfString searchText options NSAnchoredSearch Some of the search method listed below NSCaseInsensitiveSearch NSLiteralSearch NSBackwardsSearch.. NSWidthInsensitiveSearch NSForcedOrderingSearch NSRegularExpressionSearch Eg void search NSString searchText searchBar.text lowercaseString for int index 0 index availableCollectionArray count index NSArray tempArray availableCollectionArray.. tempIndex NSString sortedString tempArray objectAtIndex tempIndex NSRange searchRange sortedString rangeOfString searchText options NSAnchoredSearch if searchRange.length 0 sortedArray addObject sortedString add the string which starts from searchBar.text..

UISearchView not displaying search values


objectAtIndex section return NSString stringWithFormat @ @ key void filterContentForSearchText NSString searchText scope NSString scope NSPredicate resultPredicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ SELF contains cd @ searchText self.searchResults.. searchText scope NSString scope NSPredicate resultPredicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ SELF contains cd @ searchText self.searchResults self.allItems filteredArrayUsingPredicate resultPredicate BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController.. improve this question You are not reloading your table after searching void filterContentForSearchText NSString searchText scope NSString scope NSPredicate resultPredicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ SELF contains cd @ searchText self.mySections..

NSURLConnection NSURLRequest proxy for asynchronous web service calls


catch the response s . Making the web service call is done like so Proxy p Proxy alloc init p searchForSomethingAsync searchText delegate self p release I can provide more code but the remaining can be assumed. Before calling I startAnimating a UIActivityIndicatorView.. of this code is contained your Proxy object. Something like this Proxy p Proxy alloc init p searchForSomethingAsync searchText delegate self successSelector @selector didFinishWithData failSelector @selector didFailWithError Implement your selectors..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


methods for the search bar #pragma mark #pragma mark Content Filtering void filterContentForSearchText NSString searchText scope NSInteger scope update the filter in this case just blow away the FRC and let lazy evaluation create another with..

What does @synthesize window=_window do?


clash of ivar names for instance with this delegate method void searchBar UISearchBar searchBar textDidChange NSString searchText Is it the equivalent of self.searchBar rather than searchBar or are those two identical anyway iphone objective c share..

How to use Three20 TTMessageController?


perform @selector modelDidStartLoad withObject self ABAddressBookRef addressBook ABAddressBookCreate CFStringRef searchText CFStringCreateWithCString NULL text cStringUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding kCFStringEncodingUTF8 self.searchResults NSArray.. NSUTF8StringEncoding kCFStringEncodingUTF8 self.searchResults NSArray ABAddressBookCopyPeopleWithName addressBook searchText RELEASE_CF_SAFELY searchText _delegates perform @selector modelDidFinishLoad withObject self RELEASE_CF_SAFELY addressBook.. self.searchResults NSArray ABAddressBookCopyPeopleWithName addressBook searchText RELEASE_CF_SAFELY searchText _delegates perform @selector modelDidFinishLoad withObject self RELEASE_CF_SAFELY addressBook else self.searchResults nil..

how to add searchbar in uitableview?


over here over here . The part you are looking for is this void searchBar UISearchBar searchBar textDidChange NSString searchText tableData removeAllObjects remove all data that belongs to previous search if searchText isEqualToString @ searchText nil.. textDidChange NSString searchText tableData removeAllObjects remove all data that belongs to previous search if searchText isEqualToString @ searchText nil myTableView reloadData return NSInteger counter 0 for NSString name in dataSource NSAutoreleasePool.. searchText tableData removeAllObjects remove all data that belongs to previous search if searchText isEqualToString @ searchText nil myTableView reloadData return NSInteger counter 0 for NSString name in dataSource NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool..

How to detect a pause in input for UISearchBar/UITextField?


UITextField I have the following UISearchbar code void searchBar UISearchBar searchBar textDidChange NSString searchText UIApplication sharedApplication .networkActivityIndicatorVisible YES NSString endpoint NSString stringWithFormat @ http.. sharedApplication .networkActivityIndicatorVisible YES NSString endpoint NSString stringWithFormat @ http www.someurl searchText stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString @ withString @ NSURL url NSURL URLWithString endpoint NSURLRequest request NSURLRequest.. improve this question It doesn't have to use NSTimer. void searchBar UISearchBar searchBar textDidChange NSString searchText NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget self selector @selector request object nil ..... self performSelector..