

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: searchresultstableview

searchDisplayController: change the label “No Results”


so you'll have to do it the old fashioned way and manually sift through the subviews of your searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView . Here's one example UITableView tableView self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView for UIView subview in tableView.subviews.. searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView . Here's one example UITableView tableView self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView for UIView subview in tableView.subviews if subview class UILabel class UILabel lbl UILabel subview sv changed to subview... to subview. lbl.text @ My custom string I wouldn't recommend this since you're relying on internal behavior of the searchResultsTableView which is more than likely going to change at some point breaking your app. Opening a bug feature request with Apple would..

UISearchDisplayController with no results tableView?


when activated dims the tableView and focuses the searchBar. As soon as you enter text into the searchBar it creates a searchResultsTableView that displays between the searchBar and the keyboard. The searchDisplayController's delegate gets called when this second.. and I don't want to call the webservice for each letter the user enters. Therefore I want to entirely disable the searchResultsTableView and keep the dimmed black overlay while he enters text. I would then trigger the search with a loading screen once he hits.. I would then trigger the search with a loading screen once he hits the search button. Just returning zero rows for the searchResultsTableView doesn't look nice since it displays an empty searchResultsTableView with a no results message. I tried to hide the table..

UISearchDisplayContoller ??can't prevent table reload on typing in search bar


mark UISearchBarDelegate Methods void searchBarSearchButtonClicked UISearchBar searchBar self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView reloadData #pragma mark #pragma mark Table view data source NSInteger numberOfSectionsInTableView UITableView tableView.. 1 Present a loading cell in the searchTable when the first char is typed. This option allows the SDC to display the searchResultsTableView when the user types the first char display status as to the current search filter operation in the SDC delegate class definition.. option 1 as they can be done together though to optimize things you may not care about showing search activity in the searchResultsTableView if you are hiding the table and showing the overlay. in the SDC delegate class definition same as Option 1 add the iVar..