

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: searchviewcontroller

UISearchbar clearButton forces the keyboard to appear


let's call it shouldBeginEditing and set it with an initial value of YES supposing our viewController class is called SearchViewController @interface SearchViewController UIViewController UISearchBarDelegate all of our ivar declarations go here... BOOL shouldBeginEditing.. and set it with an initial value of YES supposing our viewController class is called SearchViewController @interface SearchViewController UIViewController UISearchBarDelegate all of our ivar declarations go here... BOOL shouldBeginEditing .... ... @end @implementation.. UISearchBarDelegate all of our ivar declarations go here... BOOL shouldBeginEditing .... ... @end @implementation SearchViewController ... id initWithNibName NSString nibNameOrNil bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil if self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle..

NSMutableArray can't be added to


reason ' NSCFArray insertObject atIndex mutating method sent to immutable object' Here's my code in SearchViewController.h @interface SearchViewController UIViewController .... NSMutableArray counties .... @property nonatomic retain NSMutableArray.. insertObject atIndex mutating method sent to immutable object' Here's my code in SearchViewController.h @interface SearchViewController UIViewController .... NSMutableArray counties .... @property nonatomic retain NSMutableArray counties in SearchViewController.m.. UIViewController .... NSMutableArray counties .... @property nonatomic retain NSMutableArray counties in SearchViewController.m void getLocationsView keywordField resignFirstResponder SearchLocationsViewController locationsController SearchLocationsViewController..

Retain/release pattern for UIPopoverController, UIActionSheet, and modal view controllers?


popoverController release This way you can safe alloc and present a PopOver void showSearch id sender SearchViewController searchVC SearchViewController alloc init UIPopoverController popVC UIPopoverController alloc initWithContentViewController.. release This way you can safe alloc and present a PopOver void showSearch id sender SearchViewController searchVC SearchViewController alloc init UIPopoverController popVC UIPopoverController alloc initWithContentViewController searchVC popVC.delegate self..