

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: secs

UIPickerView that looks like UIDatePicker but with seconds


scratch. So my question is is there sample code for such i.e. someone wrote a CustomUIPickerView for hours min and secs that I can incorporate in my project UIDatePicker has a nice overlay of Hours Mins text that stays put while the user rotate.. Thank you. iphone ios xcode ios5 share improve this question Alrighty folks here is the code to get hours mins secs in your UIPickerView . You can add 3 labels an strategically place them on the picker. I have attached a picture as well... IBOutlet UIPickerView pickerView NSMutableArray hoursArray NSMutableArray minsArray NSMutableArray secsArray NSTimeInterval interval @property retain nonatomic UIPickerView pickerView @property retain nonatomic NSMutableArray..

UIImagePNGRepresentation slow or am I doing something wrong?


writeToFile path atomically NO It all works. The problem is that UIImagePNGRepresentation is really slow. It takes 8 9 secs on my 3G to convert the image to NSData. This seems wrong to me. Does anyone have any experience with this Is this just..

iOS and finding Tomorrow


midnight you could instead just retrieve the month day year components of the date representing now without hours min secs part and add 1 day then rebuild a date Decompose the date corresponding to now into Year Month Day components units NSYearCalendarUnit..

How can I take a photo frequently with iPhone?


sharedInstance previewView to your UIWindow in applicationDidFinishLaunching . Create a NSTimer repeats every 30 20 secs. In the timer's callback run UIImage image PLCameraController sharedInstance _createPreviewImage Then you will get a UIImage..

Phonegap showing white screen after the splash screen - IOS


white screen after the splash screen IOS I am trying to kill the whitescreen which automatically loads for two secs after I launch my phonegap application after the splash screen before the login page. I have tried the AutoHideSplashScreen..

How to add a time interval to an NSDate


and a duration. I need to get the time after the duration... Given NSDate is 2010 02 24 12 30 00 1000 duration is 3600 secs I need to get 2010 02 24 13 30 00 1000 Actually I am looking for the time but I think I know how to do that if I can get..

iphone local notification in simulator


UILocalNotification alloc init if localNotif nil return NSDate fireTime NSDate date addTimeInterval 10 adds 10 secs localNotif.fireDate fireTime localNotif.alertBody @ Alert UIApplication sharedApplication scheduleLocalNotification localNotif..

Applying Effect to iPhone Camera Preview “Video”


iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4th gen even if requested FPS is very high e.g. 60 and image processing is very slow e.g. 0.5 secs . OLD SOLUTION As Brad pointed out Apple recommends image processing be on a background thread so as to not interfere with..