

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: searchstring

UISearchDisplayController with no results tableView?


BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString searchString savedSearchTerm searchString controller.searchResultsTableView setBackgroundColor UIColor colorWithWhite 0.0 alpha 0.8 controller.searchResultsTableView.. UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString searchString savedSearchTerm searchString controller.searchResultsTableView setBackgroundColor UIColor colorWithWhite 0.0 alpha 0.8 controller.searchResultsTableView..

UISearchView not displaying search values


BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString searchString UISearchBar searchBar controller searchBar self filterContentForSearchText searchString scope searchBar scopeButtonTitles.. NSString searchString UISearchBar searchBar controller searchBar self filterContentForSearchText searchString scope searchBar scopeButtonTitles objectAtIndex searchBar selectedScopeButtonIndex return YES BOOL searchDisplayController..

NSURLConnection NSURLRequest proxy for asynchronous web service calls


Proxy NSObject NSMutableData responseData id WSResponseProtocol delegate void searchForSomethingAsync NSString searchString delegate id WSResponseProtocol delegateObj @property nonatomic retain NSMutableData responseData @property assign id WSResponseProtocol..

NSOperations or NSThread for bursts of smaller tasks that continuously cancel each other?


keystroke void searchFieldChanged UITextField textField NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget self NSString searchString textField.text if searchString length 0 self performSelector @selector doSearch withObject textField.text afterDelay 0.8f.. UITextField textField NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget self NSString searchString textField.text if searchString length 0 self performSelector @selector doSearch withObject textField.text afterDelay 0.8f This is mainly to stop the code.. it where not for the small touch keyboard . If it is allowed to time out it is time to search. void doSearch NSString searchString queue cancelAllOperations ISSearchOperation searchOperation ISSearchOperation alloc initWithSearchTerm searchString queue..

UISearchDisplayContoller ??can't prevent table reload on typing in search bar


Methods BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString searchString return NO BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchScope NSInteger searchOption..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


use the same one is it as simple as clearing the FRC cache and then changing the predicate in the handleSearchForTerm searchString method Does the predicate have to contain the initial predicate as well as the search terms or does it remember that it.. nil BOOL searchDisplayController UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString searchString self filterContentForSearchText searchString scope self.searchDisplayController.searchBar selectedScopeButtonIndex Return.. controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString searchString self filterContentForSearchText searchString scope self.searchDisplayController.searchBar selectedScopeButtonIndex Return YES to cause the search result table view..

iPhone - Comparing strings with a German umlaut


Search ignores diacritic marks. For example ˜Ã¶â€ is equal to ˜o For example NSString text @ gënder NSString searchString @ ender NSRange rng text rangeOfString searchString options NSDiacriticInsensitiveSearch if rng.location NSNotFound NSLog.. ˜Ã¶â€ is equal to ˜o For example NSString text @ gënder NSString searchString @ ender NSRange rng text rangeOfString searchString options NSDiacriticInsensitiveSearch if rng.location NSNotFound NSLog @ Match at @ NSStringFromRange rng else NSLog @ No..