

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: scrollview.delegate

UIScrollView ImageView with pins on top


yet remember where I placed them when the zoom happens. Some code scrollView UIScrollView alloc initWithFrame viewRect scrollView.delegate self scrollView.pagingEnabled NO scrollView.scrollsToTop NO scrollView setBackgroundColor UIColor clearColor scrollView.clipsToBounds.. views as subviews of imageView. Add the imageView as a subview to the scrollView. Set the content size of scrollView. scrollView.delegate self Use these delegate methods void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView aScrollView for UIView dropPinView in imageView.subviews..

The zoom for uiscrollview isn't working


4 scrollView.minimumZoomScale 1 scrollView setScrollEnabled YES scrollView.clipsToBounds YES scrollView.delegate self self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithBarButtonSystemItem UIBarButtonSystemItemDone..

Loop an UIScrollView [duplicate]


scrollView UIScrollView alloc initWithFrame scrollFrame scrollView.bounces YES scrollView.pagingEnabled YES scrollView.delegate self scrollView.userInteractionEnabled YES slideImages NSMutableArray alloc init slideImages addObject @ welcome small.jpg..

iphone uiscrollview and uiimageview - setting initial zoom


imageView.frame.size.height scrollView.maximumZoomScale 1 scrollView.minimumZoomScale .37 scrollView.clipsToBounds YES scrollView.delegate self scrollView addSubview imageView iphone objective c uiscrollview uiimageview zoom share improve this question Zooming..

UIWebView without Copy/Paste and selection rectangle when showing documents


webViewContentView.contentSize.height scrollView.contentSize webViewContentView.contentSize scrollView.delegate self To enable zooming you'll need to add an extra method from the scrollViews delegate. UIView viewForZoomingInScrollView..

Horizontal UIScrollView and hundreds of thumbnail images in iOS?


further help please leave a comment. Hope it helps. Please consider Following example. void setupHorizontalScrollView scrollView.delegate self self.scrollView setBackgroundColor UIColor blackColor scrollView setCanCancelContentTouches NO scrollView.indicatorStyle..

UIScrollView with centered UIImageView, like Photos app


0 0 SCREEN_WIDTH mapHeight scrollView UIScrollView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 SCREEN_WIDTH SCREEN_HEIGHT scrollView.delegate self scrollView.contentSize mapView.frame.size scrollView.maximumZoomScale MAP_WIDTH SCREEN_WIDTH scrollView.minimumZoomScale..

Scrolling with two fingers with a UIScrollView


CGSizeMake 720 480 scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator YES scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator YES scrollView.delegate self scrollView addSubview viewController.view window makeKeyAndVisible void dealloc viewController release scrollView release..

How do I add a scrollable/zoomable image into the MainView.xib of a Utility Based iPhone Application


demoImageView.frame.size.height scrollView.minimumZoomScale 1 scrollView.maximumZoomScale 3 scrollView.delegate self scrollView setScrollEnabled YES super viewDidLoad Do any additional setup after loading the view typically from a nib... in the UIImage imageNamed @ your image name extension message. Also notice this line in the void viewDidLoad method scrollView.delegate self This is why we put UIScrollViewDelegate in a pair of these in the .h file because we need to announce to the compiler..

Implementing UIScrollView programmatically


scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator NO scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator NO scrollView.scrollsToTop NO scrollView.delegate self pageControl.numberOfPages kNumberOfPages pageControl.currentPage 0 pages are created on demand load the visible page.. scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator NO scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator NO scrollView.scrollsToTop NO scrollView.delegate self pageControl.numberOfPages kNumberOfPages pageControl.currentPage 0 pages are created on demand load the visible page..