

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: searchbar.subviews

How to change inside background color of UISearchBar component on iOS


of UISearchBar component on iOS I know how to remove change UISearchBar background color around search field self.searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex 0 removeFromSuperview self.searchBar.backgroundColor UIColor grayColor But don't know how to do this inside.. use this code for change the searchBar' UITextField backGroundImage UITextField searchField NSUInteger numViews searchBar.subviews count for int i 0 i numViews i if searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex i isKindOfClass UITextField class conform searchField.. backGroundImage UITextField searchField NSUInteger numViews searchBar.subviews count for int i 0 i numViews i if searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex i isKindOfClass UITextField class conform searchField searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex i if searchField nil..

Custom clear button in UISearchBar text field


clear button in UISearchBar text field I tried UITextField searchtextfield searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex 1 UIButton cButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom cButton.frame CGRectMake 0 0 20 20 cButton.backgroundColor..

uisearchbar transparent background view


Remove clear button (grey x) to the right of UISearchBar when cancel button tapped


something early so it's set before you start using it but after the search bar is initialised. for UIView subview in searchBar.subviews if subview conformsToProtocol @protocol UITextInputTraits UITextField subview setClearButtonMode UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing..

iPad/iPhone uiSearchbar transparent background


to set the background of my UISearchBar transparent. I was always using searchBar.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex 0 removeFromSuperview and it worked nicely... but suddenly it stopped. could be since I upgraded my xcode.. share improve this question Try looping through your subviews and look for the right class for UIView subview in searchBar.subviews if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISearchBarBackground subview removeFromSuperview break I'm not sure but..

UISearchBar remove background on iOS 4.1


to remove the background of UISearchBar to make it transparent. I tried these solutions 1. for UIView subview in searchBar.subviews if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISearchBarBackground subview removeFromSuperview break 2. searchBar.subviews.. if subview isKindOfClass NSClassFromString @ UISearchBarBackground subview removeFromSuperview break 2. searchBar.subviews objectAtIndex 0 removeFromSuperview These two methods both work on iOS 4.3 but not on 4.1. it shows black. How can I make..