

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: sdurlcache

SDURLCache with AFNetworking and offline mode not working


with AFNetworking and offline mode not working I'm using AFNetworking and SDURLCache for all my networking operations... with AFNetworking and offline mode not working I'm using AFNetworking and SDURLCache for all my networking operations. I have SDURLCache set like this SDURLCache urlCache SDURLCache alloc initWithMemoryCapacity.. and offline mode not working I'm using AFNetworking and SDURLCache for all my networking operations. I have SDURLCache set like this SDURLCache urlCache SDURLCache alloc initWithMemoryCapacity 1024 1024 2 2MB mem cache diskCapacity 1024 1024..

Displaying an Image from URL Objective C


block. Here is the code for the class @implementation AsyncImageView void initialize NSURLCache setSharedURLCache SDURLCache alloc initWithMemoryCapacity 0 diskCapacity 10 1024 1024 diskPath SDURLCache defaultCachePath void setImageFromURL.. NSURLCache setSharedURLCache SDURLCache alloc initWithMemoryCapacity 0 diskCapacity 10 1024 1024 diskPath SDURLCache defaultCachePath void setImageFromURL NSURL url Put activity indicator if activityIndicator activityIndicator UIActivityIndicatorView..

How do you clear a UIWebView's cache?


removeCachedResponseForRequest request But I'm not sure if it does now iOS 5 . Other options are using a custom cache SDURLCache or overriding connection withCacheResponse . If you find out what is the current behavior please comment. share improve..