

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: scrollview.frame

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


goes up and down. I'm simply using void textFieldDidBeginEditing UITextField textField Keyboard becomes visible scrollView.frame CGRectMake scrollView.frame.origin.x scrollView.frame.origin.y scrollView.frame.size.width scrollView.frame.size.height.. simply using void textFieldDidBeginEditing UITextField textField Keyboard becomes visible scrollView.frame CGRectMake scrollView.frame.origin.x scrollView.frame.origin.y scrollView.frame.size.width scrollView.frame.size.height 215 50 resize void textFieldDidEndEditing.. UITextField textField Keyboard becomes visible scrollView.frame CGRectMake scrollView.frame.origin.x scrollView.frame.origin.y scrollView.frame.size.width scrollView.frame.size.height 215 50 resize void textFieldDidEndEditing UITextField..

How to create a paging scrollView with space between views


greenColor UIColor blueColor nil #define space 20 for int i 0 i colors.count i CGRect frame frame.origin.x self.scrollView.frame.size.width space i frame.origin.y 0 frame.size self.scrollView.frame. UIView subview UIView alloc initWithFrame frame subview.backgroundColor.. i colors.count i CGRect frame frame.origin.x self.scrollView.frame.size.width space i frame.origin.y 0 frame.size self.scrollView.frame. UIView subview UIView alloc initWithFrame frame subview.backgroundColor colors objectAtIndex i self.scrollView addSubview.. colors objectAtIndex i self.scrollView addSubview subview subview release self.scrollView.contentSize CGSizeMake self.scrollView.frame.size.width colors.count space colors.count 1 self.scrollView.frame.size.height iphone objective c scrollview uipagecontrol..

how to programatically set the current page for UIPageControl?


this question From the PageControl example To go directly to a particular section of the scrollView use CGRect frame scrollView.frame frame.origin.x frame.size.width page frame.origin.y 0 scrollView scrollRectToVisible frame animated YES I just implemented.. that you have the contentsize of the scrollView set correctly. scrollView.contentSize CGSizeMake 320 numberOfPages scrollView.frame.size.height To this scrollview you then add the content to each section page1ViewController.view.frame CGRectMake 0 0 320..

How do I enable directional lock for a UIScrollView?


horizontal content to display. UIScrollView scrollView CGSize size scrollView.contentSize size.width CGRectGetWidth scrollView.frame scrollView.contentSize size scrollView.alwaysBounceHorizontal NO It doesn't matter what's actually inside the scroll view...