

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: scrollviewdidenddecelerating

Loop an UIScrollView [duplicate]


scrollRectToVisible CGRectMake WIDTH_OF_IMAGE 0 WIDTH_OF_IMAGE HEIGHT_OF_IMAGE animated NO super viewDidLoad void scrollViewDidEndDecelerating UIScrollView scrollView int currentPage floor self.scrollView.contentOffset.x self.scrollView.frame.size.width slideImages.. main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil void dealloc scrollView release slideImages release super dealloc @end I then use scrollViewDidEndDecelerating to check where in the scroll the user is and then jump them to the 2nd image or last but 1 image so they can scroll continuously.....

Uiscrollview lazy loading


they are small and don't take up that much memory and then load the fullScreenImage representation on demand from scrollViewDidEndDecelerating and reload the aspectThumbnail for the imageView going off screen. The effect is very fluid and visually the image comes..

UIScroll View Delegate not calling ScrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation


Make UIScrollView wrap around [duplicate]


now. Basically I created extra pages before and after my pages so it looks like this 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Then in the scrollViewDidEndDecelerating I do a simple if statement that checks if I am at either the first or last page and locate the scrollView appropriately... simple if statement that checks if I am at either the first or last page and locate the scrollView appropriately. void scrollViewDidEndDecelerating UIScrollView newScrollView self scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation newScrollView pageControl.currentPage currentPage.pageIndex..

How do you combine UIScrollview with UIPagecontrol to show different views?


animated YES void scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation UIScrollView scrollView _pageControlUsed NO void scrollViewDidEndDecelerating UIScrollView scrollView if _pageControlUsed _pageControl.currentPage lround _scrollView.contentOffset.x _scrollView.contentSize.width..

UIScrollView, reaching the bottom of the scroll view


reaching the bottom of the scroll view I know the Apple documentation has the following delegate method void scrollViewDidEndDecelerating UIScrollView scrollView called when scroll view grinds to a halt However it doesn't necessarily mean you are at the bottom... to check that your contentOffset point is at the bottom of contentSize . So you could probably do something like void scrollViewDidEndDecelerating UIScrollView scrollView float bottomEdge scrollView.contentOffset.y scrollView.frame.size.height if bottomEdge scrollView.contentSize.height..

How to detect when a UIScrollView has finished scrolling


share improve this question The methods you're looking for are scrollViewDidEndDragging willDecelerate and scrollViewDidEndDecelerating . The first one is always called after the user lifts their finger. If they scrolled fast enough to result in deceleration..