

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: scrollview.contentoffset

Deactivate UIScrollView decelerating


UICollectionView: paging like Safari tabs or App Store search


NO Delegate void scrollViewDidScroll UIScrollView scrollView CGPoint contentOffset scrollView.contentOffset contentOffset.x contentOffset.x _collectionView.contentInset.left _collectionView.contentOffset contentOffset As the scrollview..

iPhone - How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images?


dragging it around and also drawRect void drawRect CGRect rect Drawing code if self.image nil return CGPoint offset scrollView.contentOffset clipRect CGRectOffset self.frame offset.x offset.y UIImage croppedImage image croppedImage clipRect CGContextRef ctx UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext..

Make UIScrollView wrap around [duplicate]


newScrollView pageControl.currentPage currentPage.pageIndex if currentPage.pageIndex 0 scrollView.contentOffset CGPointMake 320 pageControl.numberOfPages 2 0 pageControl.currentPage pageControl.numberOfPages 2 else if currentPage.pageIndex..

How can I programmatically force-stop scrolling in a UIScrollView?


back to the original rect. The generalized solution for any scrolling action is this void killScroll CGPoint offset scrollView.contentOffset offset.x 1.0 offset.y 1.0 scrollView setContentOffset offset animated NO offset.x 1.0 offset.y 1.0 scrollView setContentOffset..

How programatically move a UIScrollView to focus in a control above keyboard?


UITextFieldDelegate CGPoint svos implementation void textFieldDidBeginEditing UITextField textField svos scrollView.contentOffset CGPoint pt CGRect rc textField bounds rc textField convertRect rc toView scrollView pt rc.origin pt.x 0 pt.y 60 scrollView..

iOS - How to limit the MapView to a specific region?


currentRegion animated YES void scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating UIScrollView scrollView scrollView setContentOffset scrollView.contentOffset animated YES @end iphone ios mapkit android mapview region share improve this question By implementing void mapView..

Implementing pull to refresh view feature


Scrolling two UITableViews together


scrollView slaveTable self.table2 else if self.table2 scrollView slaveTable self.table1 slaveTable setContentOffset scrollView.contentOffset This gives me something that looks like this The top UITableView is self.table1 and the bottom is self.table2 if either..

Getting the visible rect of an UIScrollView's content


answer which didn't quite do the trick but gave me the base for my answer CGRect visibleRect visibleRect.origin scrollView.contentOffset visibleRect.size scrollView.bounds.size float theScale 1.0 scale visibleRect.origin.x theScale visibleRect.origin.y theScale..