

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: scrollviewdidzoom

UIScrollView ImageView with pins on top


to the scrollView. Set the content size of scrollView. scrollView.delegate self Use these delegate methods void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView aScrollView for UIView dropPinView in imageView.subviews CGRect oldFrame dropPinView.frame 0.5 means the anchor..

Center content of UIScrollView when smaller


ScrollViewDelegate. If zoomed image is smaller than scrollview then adjust subview.center else center is 0 0 . void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView UIView subView scrollView.subviews objectAtIndex 0 CGFloat offsetX scrollView.bounds.size.width..

resize all subview in scrollViewDidZoom


all subview in scrollViewDidZoom Below is my screen design. . I want Zoom in out in mainView . mainView Width Height is 300. To Zoom in out i have implement.. 5 . During Zoom in time mainView Frame increase depend on scrollView.zoomScale and i have check void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView in this method. At Zoom in time if i get scrollView.zoomScale 2 than mainView Width height become.. be resized just scaled up down when rendering the mainView this is why their frame is unaffected. Just implement void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView in the delegate and print out the main view's frame bounds layer.affineTransform to see what happens..

performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: not working from scrollViewDidZoom


withObject afterDelay not working from scrollViewDidZoom I feel like I should know this but I've been stumped for hours now and I've run out of ideas. The theory is simple the.. records the zoom level and content offsets. So I thought I'd start a performSelector withObject withDelay on the scrollViewDidZoom delegate method. If it expires then I record the settings. I delete the scheduled call every time scrollViewDidZoom is called.. scrollViewDidZoom delegate method. If it expires then I record the settings. I delete the scheduled call every time scrollViewDidZoom is called and when the pinch gesture finishes. This is what I have void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView NSLog..

How to recognize swipe gesture in UIScrollView


in. This provides the expected behavior. The critical piece is to put the following in the scroll view's delegate void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView if scrollView.zoomScale 1.0 Zooming enable scrolling scrollView.scrollEnabled TRUE else Not zoomed..

iOS - How to limit the MapView to a specific region?


#import LimitedMapView.h @implementation LimitedMapView @synthesize topLeftCoordinate bottomRightCoordinate void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView if super respondsToSelector @selector scrollViewDidZoom super scrollViewDidZoom scrollView if self.. bottomRightCoordinate void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView if super respondsToSelector @selector scrollViewDidZoom super scrollViewDidZoom scrollView if self region .span.latitudeDelta 0.002401f self region .span.longitudeDelta 0.003433f.. void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView if super respondsToSelector @selector scrollViewDidZoom super scrollViewDidZoom scrollView if self region .span.latitudeDelta 0.002401f self region .span.longitudeDelta 0.003433f CLLocationCoordinate2D..

How do I add a scrollable/zoomable image into the MainView.xib of a Utility Based iPhone Application


setScrollEnabled YES super viewDidLoad Do any additional setup after loading the view typically from a nib. void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView aScrollView CGFloat offsetX scrollView.bounds.size.width scrollView.contentSize.width scrollView.bounds.size.width..