

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: screenrect

I want capture screen when any game is running with opengl [duplicate]


opengl es share improve this question If you want to take screen shot then also try with that code check CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen bounds UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions screenRect.size NO 0.0 self.view.layer renderInContext.. then also try with that code check CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen bounds UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions screenRect.size NO 0.0 self.view.layer renderInContext UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext UIImage viewImage UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext..

Resize UIImage with aspect ratio?


UIImage with aspect ratio I'm using this code to resize an image on the iPhone CGRect screenRect CGRectMake 0 0 320.0 480.0 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext screenRect.size value drawInRect screenRect blendMode kCGBlendModePlusDarker.. this code to resize an image on the iPhone CGRect screenRect CGRectMake 0 0 320.0 480.0 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext screenRect.size value drawInRect screenRect blendMode kCGBlendModePlusDarker alpha 1 UIImage tmpValue UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext.. the iPhone CGRect screenRect CGRectMake 0 0 320.0 480.0 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext screenRect.size value drawInRect screenRect blendMode kCGBlendModePlusDarker alpha 1 UIImage tmpValue UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext..

iOS Hiding tab bar in iOS 6 creates black bar (fix for iOS 6 breaks iOS 7!)


FALSE withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide void hideTabBar UITabBarController tabbarcontroller CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen bounds UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.5 float fHeight screenRect.size.height.. UIScreen mainScreen bounds UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.5 float fHeight screenRect.size.height if UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape UIApplication sharedApplication .statusBarOrientation fHeight screenRect.size.width.. if UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape UIApplication sharedApplication .statusBarOrientation fHeight screenRect.size.width for UIView view in self.tabBarController.view.subviews if view isKindOfClass UITabBar class view setFrame CGRectMake..

Avoid hardcoding iPhone screen size with programmatic view creation


call bar. iphone uiview share improve this question Is there a way to look up the size of the screen Yup CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame applicationFrame This property contains the screen bounds minus the area occupied by..

Bottom pop-up UIPicker?


uipickerview share improve this question Here's animation code that I use void animateDatePicker BOOL show CGRect screenRect self.frame CGSize pickerSize self.datePickerView sizeThatFits CGSizeZero CGRect startRect CGRectMake 0.0 screenRect.origin.y.. screenRect self.frame CGSize pickerSize self.datePickerView sizeThatFits CGSizeZero CGRect startRect CGRectMake 0.0 screenRect.origin.y screenRect.size.height pickerSize.width pickerSize.height CGRect pickerRect CGRectMake 0.0 screenRect.origin.y.. CGSize pickerSize self.datePickerView sizeThatFits CGSizeZero CGRect startRect CGRectMake 0.0 screenRect.origin.y screenRect.size.height pickerSize.width pickerSize.height CGRect pickerRect CGRectMake 0.0 screenRect.origin.y screenRect.size.height..

Fixed labels in the selection bar of a UIPickerView


alloc initWithFrame CGRectZero pickerView release CGSize pickerSize pickerView sizeThatFits CGSizeZero CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame #define toolbarHeight 40.0 CGFloat pickerTop screenRect.size.height toolbarHeight pickerSize.height.. CGSizeZero CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame #define toolbarHeight 40.0 CGFloat pickerTop screenRect.size.height toolbarHeight pickerSize.height CGRect pickerRect CGRectMake 0.0 pickerTop pickerSize.width pickerSize.height..

iPhone: Adding a Done button within a pop up DatePicker frame


view to our screen and compute the start end frame origin for our slide up animation compute the start frame CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame NSLog @ screenRect @ NSStringFromCGRect screenRect CGSize pickerSize self.pickerView.. for our slide up animation compute the start frame CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame NSLog @ screenRect @ NSStringFromCGRect screenRect CGSize pickerSize self.pickerView sizeThatFits CGSizeZero NSLog @ pickerSize @ NSStringFromCGSize.. compute the start frame CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame NSLog @ screenRect @ NSStringFromCGRect screenRect CGSize pickerSize self.pickerView sizeThatFits CGSizeZero NSLog @ pickerSize @ NSStringFromCGSize pickerSize CGRect startRect..

How can we change the font of tableview header?


terente's answer UIView tableView UITableView tableView viewForHeaderInSection NSInteger section if section 0 CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame UIView headerView UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 screenRect.size.width 44.0.. 0 CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame UIView headerView UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 screenRect.size.width 44.0 headerView.contentMode UIViewContentModeScaleToFill Add the label UILabel headerLabel UILabel alloc initWithFrame..