

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: scrollposition

How do I select a UITableViewCell by default?


first item in the first section myTableView selectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop I'm using this technique to select one of two cells so the users knows which cell a UIDatePicker..

Select all the cells in UITableView


selectRowAtIndexPath method menuTable selectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop However you can't select multiple cells in a UITableView. If you want to show and process on..

Application run on simulator but not on device in iphone


@selector initialSelectedIndexPath _tableView selectRowAtIndexPath self.delegate initialSelectedIndexPath animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop #pragma mark Instance Methods void configureViewController UIViewController viewController..

UITableView Custom Scrollbar


I'm talking about is void scrollToRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPosition scrollPosition animated BOOL animated Has anyone implemented a custom scroll bar in their UITableView before Or can someone help me figure..

Problem copying NSMutableArray


MyViewController tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath 258 9 UIKit 0x003968f8 UITableView _selectRowAtIndexPath animated scrollPosition notifyDelegate 1140 10 UIKit 0x0038d1de UITableView _userSelectRowAtIndexPath 219 11 Foundation 0x000a404e __NSFireDelayedPerform..

How to highlight a row in a UITableView


Weird crash in ABPeoplePicker


tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath #17 0x3390483a in UITableView _selectRowAtIndexPath animated scrollPosition notifyDelegate #18 0x339c4612 in UITableView _userSelectRowAtPendingSelectionIndexPath I then watch the various routines.. tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath 82 8 UIKit 0x3390483b UITableView _selectRowAtIndexPath animated scrollPosition notifyDelegate 662 It all looks completely proper to me with the minor exception of the assertion crash. As I have nothing..

how to scroll uitableview to specific position


it should work using void scrollToRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPosition scrollPosition animated BOOL animated using it this way NSIndexPath indexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 yourTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath..

UITextView inside UITableView


we can retrieve an index path from this is the edited part self.tableView selectRowAtIndexPath indexPath animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionNone this programmatically selects the cell you've called behind the textView self tableView self.tableView..

How to set row selected by default in UITableView?


the NSIndexPath for the current selected row. You can then do tableView selectRowAtIndexPath indexPath animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle to select that row and show it in the middle of the screen later. share improve this answer..

Navigating a Pdf using UIWebview not working in IOS 5


stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString NSString stringWithFormat @ window.scrollTo 0 d self.pdfNavigateController.scrollPosition When I use any simulator from 4.2 down the code works perfectly but under the Ios 5 simulator the code wont work. Looking.. CGPointMake x y The contentOffset accepts a CGPoint as argument. Here x and y are integer values representing the scrollPosition. If you want to get current x and y co ordinates for webView below is the code which you can use NSInteger x aWebview.scrollView.contentOffSet.x..

iOS - Linker Error, Duplicate Symbol


YES tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath indexPath animated NO tableView selectRowAtIndexPath selectedIndex animated YES scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionNone self.slidingViewController anchorTopViewTo ECRight animations nil onComplete ^ self.slidingViewController..