

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: scroller

How can I scroll an iframe in iOS 4 with 2 fingers?


in iOS 4 although of course the webkit overflow scrolling allows it to work on iOS5 html head style type text css #scroller width 280px height 200px overflow scroll webkit overflow scrolling touch #scroller iframe width 100 height 100 style head.. iOS5 html head style type text css #scroller width 280px height 200px overflow scroll webkit overflow scrolling touch #scroller iframe width 100 height 100 style head body div id scroller iframe src content.html content.html is a big list of nonsense... 200px overflow scroll webkit overflow scrolling touch #scroller iframe width 100 height 100 style head body div id scroller iframe src content.html content.html is a big list of nonsense. iframe div body html I must add that I can get 2 finger..

How can I read UITextField value in an IBAction. I'm creating UITextField programmatically


name addTarget self action @selector doneEditing forControlEvents UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit scroller addSubview name fromTop fromTop 40 Now I want to read values of each textbox in a button click IBAction . Can anyone help..

How to use the first character as a section name


backed UITableView with indexing . UPDATE That solution only works if you only care about having the fast index title scroller. In that case you would NOT display the section headers. See below for sample code. Otherwise I agree with refulgentis that..

Asynchronus for loop in iphone


UIColor whiteColor CGColor view.layer.borderWidth 1.0 view.layer.cornerRadius 5 view.layer.masksToBounds YES scroller addSubview view titlelabel UILabel alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 10 10 230 20 titlelabel setText dataDict objectForKey..

How I auto size a UIScrollView to fit the content


Three20 Photo Scroller alternative?


class but I have to integrate with the whole Three20 bundle. Is there a lighter solution or component to do a image scroller on iPhone Thanks in advance. Gonso iphone slideshow three20 share improve this question Have a look at enormego's PhotoViewer..

Is there a way to put UITextView's scroll indicator to outside UITextView?


any suggestion Thank you I iphone ipad ios uiscrollview uitextview share improve this question You can set the scroller right inset value of the UITextView to negative value and disable the clip subview option to achieve your require. No other..

UIScrollView Custom Paging


Custom Paging My question has to do with a custom form of paging which I am trying to do with a scroller and this is easier to visualise if you first consider the type of scroll view implemented in a slot machine. So say my UIScrollView..

How to save nsdictionary of a subview to a mainview based off tableviewcell selection


are sent to my method as an array of strings. I then use this array to set up all of my sections index scroller. The method below shows how I am doing this. method to sort array and split for use with uitableview Index IBAction startSortingTheArray.. setObject arrayForLetter forKey firstLetter sectionLetterArray addObject firstLetter This will be used to set index scroller and section titles Add the value to the array for this letter arrayForLetter addObject value Reload data in table self.tableView..