

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: scratch

How to restart app if it unexpectedly shutdown


the VoIP service connection. Therefore when the application is launched it always needs to create its sockets from scratch. http developer.apple.com library ios #documentation iPhone Conceptual iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide AdvancedAppTricks AdvancedAppTricks.html#..

UIPickerView that looks like UIDatePicker but with seconds


online I found that there is no way to get seconds in UIDatePicker and I had to write my own UIPickerView from scratch. So my question is is there sample code for such i.e. someone wrote a CustomUIPickerView for hours min and secs that I can.. It would be nice if someone added that in their custom picker too. I prefer not to write a custom UIPickerView from scratch if I don't have to. Thank you. iphone ios xcode ios5 share improve this question Alrighty folks here is the code to..

Adding a combo box or drop-down list to UIView


do I add this object to my UIVIEW Do I have to inherit it from another object which one or do I have to create it from scratch programmatically Please help iphone combobox uiview interface builder share improve this question The standard practice..

Available iPhone Web Application JavaScript UI Library/Frameworks


missing any before I make a decision. I'm only looking for client side JavaScript CSS solutions and building one from scratch isn't an option because of time constraints. No server side PHP Ruby Python Java etc. solutions. I am aware of the iPhone..

Any way to pre populate core data?


with core data. I would like to have a default list of say 10 airport items so that the user doesnt have to start from scratch. Is there any way to do this Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. iphone uitableview core data uitableviewcell persist..

How to setup a CMS as a backend for iPhone app


iPhone — is initWithCoder an exception to the usual designated initializer design pattern?


Are there any huge differences between objective-c and Java, or iPhone and Android?


language that the other doesn't have which we've missed that would mean the only way to do it would be rewriting from scratch. java iphone objective c android porting share improve this question I wouldn't waste time trying to find commonality..

How do I apply a perspective transform to a UIView?


M_PI 180.0f 0.0f 1.0f 0.0f layer.transform rotationAndPerspectiveTransform which rebuilds the layer transform from scratch for each rotation. A full example of this with code can be found here where I've implemented touch based rotation and scaling..

Xcode: Unable to open project… cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed


which is probably because it isn't finding all the files it wants... I really don't want to rebuild my project from scratch if possible. Thanks in advance. EDIT Ok I did a diff between this and a slightly older project file that worked and saw..

Universal iPhone/iPad AppDelegate


iPhone iPad AppDelegate I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me starting a new app from scratch how would I organise having a universal iPhone iPad iOS app. I noticed using the default template with the xCode Beta it..

iPhone Development - XMLParser vs. libxml2 vs. TouchXML


iPhone Development Environment (from scratch)


Development Environment from scratch I've developed on Windows and .NET for my whole career so forgive my ignorance on this one. What would be the steps to.. career so forgive my ignorance on this one. What would be the steps to setup an iPhone development environment from scratch Assume that I have nothing but electricity and an internet connection. What hardware and software would I need I'm talking..

libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib is missing in iOS 4.2.1 development SDK


again and nothing about missing symbols appeared... Update deletion of Developer and reinstallation of Xcode from scratch does not fix this issue. Update 2 I just realized that after the reinstall of Xcode ... DeviceSupport 4.2 8C134 Symbols..

Horizontal UIScrollView inside a UITableViewCell


iphone uitableview uiscrollview scroll share improve this question I have found a workaround. Recreating from scratch a very simple UITableView 8 rows and inserting a UIScrollView in just the second row works perfectly. Nested scroll views..

Customizing UISlider look


to be hard coded in the SDK. Anyone having an idea how to work around this Or will I have to write my own slider from scratch for this iphone cocoa touch uikit share improve this question I believe you'll have to write your own slider to..

How do I verify reference count in ARC mode?


the tools it seems extremely hard to run memory tools on my mac with 5 Meg without rebooting the mac and starting from scratch. This is really annoying Instruments keep crashing even before the program has started so is there an alterante solution..

NSURLConnection is run many times


The URL is the same but POST body is changed each time. Now I create NSURL NSURLRequest and NSURLConnection from the scratch each time. I think it'd be more effective to set connection once and just use that one further. I am a newbie and not sure..

How to erase piece of UIImageView with png-brush and UIBezierPath


Alternatives to NSHost in iPhone app


to be my only big hurdle as other errors are only based upon the lack of being able to see hostRef after that. EDIT Scratch that I also get kCFHostAddresses undeclared. iphone networking iphone privateapi nshost share improve this question ..

Distinct Count via Core Data, NSExpression Into NSFetchedResultsController


@ emailAddress The above code will insert each email address 200 times here are the results 2012 05 31 15 17 42.160 Scratch 16084 10d03 CoreData sql SELECT t0.ZEMAILADDRESS COUNT t0.ZEMAILADDRESS FROM ZPERSON t0 GROUP BY t0.ZEMAILADDRESS 2012 05.. sql SELECT t0.ZEMAILADDRESS COUNT t0.ZEMAILADDRESS FROM ZPERSON t0 GROUP BY t0.ZEMAILADDRESS 2012 05 31 15 17 42.162 Scratch 16084 10d03 CoreData annotation sql connection fetch time 0.0024s 2012 05 31 15 17 42.163 Scratch 16084 10d03 CoreData annotation.. 05 31 15 17 42.162 Scratch 16084 10d03 CoreData annotation sql connection fetch time 0.0024s 2012 05 31 15 17 42.163 Scratch 16084 10d03 CoreData annotation total fetch execution time 0.0029s for 5 rows. gdb po results NSArray 2 0x0f811280 _PFArray..