

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: scheduling

How to get a blinking button? (two alternating pictures)


and sorry for my bad English. iphone objective c xcode share improve this question You can change the image by scheduling a NSTimer NSTimer timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 1.0 target self selector @selector toggleButtonImage..

Cancel UILocalNotification


UILocalNotification I have a problem with my UILocalNotification. I am scheduling the notification with my method. void sendNewNoteLocalReminder NSDate date alrt NSString title some code ... UILocalNotification..

iOS 4 Alarm Clock App with Multitasking Support


fake a progressive alarm by doing what the developer of Progressive Alarm Clock do to play the progressive alarm. By scheduling many local notifications one after each other. He has divided the alarm sounds into chunks of say 10 s each with progressive.. again. By having a bunch of sound files where the volume is increasing the progressive sound can be faked just by scheduling more local notifications. This will of course only work if you have an alarm sound that can be easily divided into chunks..

iPhone - Backgrounding to poll for events


sharedApplication NSArray oldNotifications app scheduledLocalNotifications Clear out the old notification before scheduling a new one. if oldNotifications count 0 app cancelAllLocalNotifications Create a new notification UILocalNotification alarm..

Question about NSTimer and retain


nil repeats NO retain That'll end up retaining the timer 3 times and self once. Timer 1 for retain Timer 1 for scheduling it Timer 1 for the property assignment self 1 for being the target of the timer The timer will be released once when fired..

How to Maintain VOIP socket connection in background?


if m_runLoop NULL CFRunLoopStop m_runLoop For the sockets in runLoop I have setup the handler functions before scheduling them into the runLoop int nFlags kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes..

What are the tradeoffs between performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: and dispatch_after


far as the comparison with performSelector I think that one advantage dispatch_after rightly has is the possibility of scheduling a block without the need to define a selector. See this discussion . On in all I haven't got much experience with GCD but.. See this discussion . On in all I haven't got much experience with GCD but I would say that apart from the block scheduling thing when you simply need to delay some selector execution in your UI without much a requirement for concurrency in general.. docs but I have never used it and I don't think that on an iPhone you would get that possibly on MacOS . EDIT about unscheduling a block I have never tried to unschedule a block from a queue but there is a possibility that dispatch_release also allows..

Need any example of UILocalNotifications [closed]


2010 07 29 iphone programming tutorial local notifications http blog.mugunthkumar.com coding iphone tutorial scheduling local notifications using a singleton class http iphonesdkdev.blogspot.com 2010 04 local push notification sample code os.html..

Local Notification doesn't work on iOS5


sharedApplication NSArray oldNotifications app scheduledLocalNotifications Clear out the old notification before scheduling a new one. if 0 oldNotifications count app cancelAllLocalNotifications Create a new notification UILocalNotification alarm..

iPhone and Crypto Libraries


and video recording or playback Business process modeling and automation e.g. supply chain management inventory scheduling and delivery Industrial manufacturing or mechanical systems e.g. robotics heavy equipment facilities systems such as fire..

iPhone 4 is there an absolutely certain way to have a long term NSTimer fire


you don't like the other APIs for creation of a timer is providing a category on NSTimer which takes care of all the scheduling and so forth and that you can reuse in other projects. Here is an example of what such a category might look like #pragma..

iOS badge number live update


at app launch UIApplication sharedApplication cancelAllLocalNotifications and then loop through 64 days in advance scheduling a notification for midnight each day with the correct day of the month for the applicationIconBadgeNumber property. As long..