

2014/10/15 ¤U¤Θ 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: schedule

UILocalNotification - Fire and Repeat at particular time each day


the notification everyday fires at same time as initial notification notification.repeatInterval NSDayCalendarUnit schedule notification app scheduleLocalNotification notification NSLog @ @ notification.fireDate However I need another local notification.. fires at same time as initial notification notification.repeatInterval NSDayCalendarUnit schedule notification app scheduleLocalNotification notification NSLog @ @ notification.fireDate However I need another local notification to fire each day.. components setMinute minutes components setHour hour NSDate myNewDate calendar dateFromComponents components self scheduleNotificationForDate myNewDate components release calendar release then from here it will connect to the main notification..

iPhone-SDK:Call a function in the background?


running.. Could you please share your ideas. thanks. Clave iphone share improve this question Easiest way is to schedule a NSTimer on the main threads run loop. I suggest that the following code is implemented on your application delegate and..

Delayed UIImageView Rendering in UITableView


you stop scrolling is because during scrolling the run loop is in UITrackingRunLoopMode . By default NSURLConnection schedules itself in NSDefaultRunLoopMode only so you don't get any messages while scrolling. Here's how to schedule the connection.. schedules itself in NSDefaultRunLoopMode only so you don't get any messages while scrolling. Here's how to schedule the connection in the common modes which includes UITrackingRunLoopMode NSURLRequest request ... NSURLConnection connection.. connection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest request delegate self startImmediately NO connection scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSRunLoopCommonModes connection start Note that you have to specify startImmediately..

local notification “didReceiveLocalNotification” calls twice


notifications using void application UIApplication app didReceiveLocalNotification UILocalNotification notif And to schedule a local notification void scheduleNotificationWithInterval int minutesBefore UILocalNotification localNotif UILocalNotification.. UIApplication app didReceiveLocalNotification UILocalNotification notif And to schedule a local notification void scheduleNotificationWithInterval int minutesBefore UILocalNotification localNotif UILocalNotification alloc init if localNotif nil.. dict you can pass info for your notification @ info nil localNotif.userInfo infoDict UIApplication sharedApplication scheduleLocalNotification localNotif localNotif release NSLog @ Event scheduled When I receive a notification didReceiveLocalNotification..

Is there a simple way to edit / modify a UILocalNotification


to edit modify a UILocalNotification Is there an easier way to edit for example the alertBody property of an already scheduled UILocalNotification For now I just cancel the notification and schedule a new one but when the app needs to do this for.. example the alertBody property of an already scheduled UILocalNotification For now I just cancel the notification and schedule a new one but when the app needs to do this for 3 or more notifications it takes long time to execute... iphone notifications.. local uilocalnotification share improve this question If the documentation is correct you can't alter an already scheduled notification. The doc states for scheduleLocalNotification ¦] Because the operating system copies notification you may release..

My custom UI elements are not being updated while UIScrollView is scrolled


this question While scrolling the main thread's run loop is in UITrackingRunLoopMode . So what you need to do is schedule your timer in that mode possibly in addition to the default mode . I believe NSRunLoopCommonModes includes both the default..

cocos2d: playing a video in the background of a menu


do but that event is actually never catched neither on the simulator nor on the target Ipod. I have therefore added a scheduled selector void update which is implemented this way void update NSArray windows UIApplication sharedApplication windows.. UIView theView CCDirector sharedDirector openGLView logo setCenter ccp 240 80 moviePlayer.view addSubview logo self unscheduleAllSelectors but the movie still remains on top please guys any help would very appreciated some days later... I have also.. logo setCenter ccp 240 80 logo.transform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation 3.14 2 moviePlayer.view addSubview logo self unscheduleAllSelectors id init self super init self schedule @selector update NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource..

How can I create a count down timer for cocos2d?


absolutely right. Within the context of this question NSTimer is the WRONG solution. The Cocos2d framework provides a scheduler that integrates with other game features like Pause Resume and most likely uses NSTimer under the hood . Example from the.. Resume and most likely uses NSTimer under the hood . Example from the above link id init if super init return nil schedule timer self schedule @selector tick self schedule @selector tick2 interval 0.5 return self void tick ccTime dt bla bla bla.. likely uses NSTimer under the hood . Example from the above link id init if super init return nil schedule timer self schedule @selector tick self schedule @selector tick2 interval 0.5 return self void tick ccTime dt bla bla bla void tick2 ccTime..

What is a runloop?


all you are doing is periodically updating a label in the UI something that isn't terribly compute intensive. Just schedule your timer in the main thread and be done with it. No need for spinning up a thread using performSelectorOnMainThread or..

What are the tradeoffs between performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: and dispatch_after


afterDelay and dispatch_after The only functional difference I have encountered is that I can cancel the message scheduled with performSelector withObject afterDelay . I don't know of a way to cancel a block submitted to dispatch_after . Please.. different requirements overall. GCD allows to a much finer graded control over concurrent execution of code. You can schedule blocks on a queue remove them suspend resume etc. It is a broader topic to be considered here in general. Also GCD provides.. I would use performSelector . If you think about it performSelector gives you a very poor concurrency since it simply schedules your selector for execution on the run loop after a minimum amount of time. On the other hand dispatch_after gives you..

iPhone - UILocalNotification as alarm


Schedule number of Local Notifications


implemented the concept of local notification to alert the user for taking medicine. But as we all know that we can't schedule more than 64 notifications at a time. But I have number of date time entries in the database. How could I schedule the notifications.. schedule more than 64 notifications at a time. But I have number of date time entries in the database. How could I schedule the notifications more than 64. Please give me some solution. Thanks alot. iphone objective c ios share improve this.. solution. Thanks alot. iphone objective c ios share improve this question I don't know of any other way than to schedule the first 64 notifications first then at the launching backgrounding and launching of a notifications check if the number..

NSTimer Reliable Alternatives


bit making for inaccurate readings. What is a reliable alternative to use My current code is as follows timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 1.0 target self selector @selector update userInfo nil repeats YES iphone objective c ios nstimer.. to fire exactly on time ever. But you can use an NSTimer in a much more reliable way than you are now. When you use scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval you create an NSTimer which is scheduled in the run loop for NSDefaultRunLoopMode . This mode is paused.. a much more reliable way than you are now. When you use scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval you create an NSTimer which is scheduled in the run loop for NSDefaultRunLoopMode . This mode is paused when the UI is being used so your timers won't fire when..

how do I create a new EKCalendar on iOS device?


do I create a new EKCalendar on iOS device I have an app where I want to schedule some events. So I want to create a new calendar for my app if it does not yet exist and if it does reference that when adding..

iOS background application network access


the background. external accessory ”The app works with a hardware accessory that needs to deliver updates on a regular schedule through the External Accessory framework. bluetooth central ”The app works with a Bluetooth accessory that needs to deliver.. framework. bluetooth central ”The app works with a Bluetooth accessory that needs to deliver updates on a regular schedule through the CoreBluetooth framework. Other than this services you can create a Finite Length Task in the Background that..