

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: schedules

iPhone SDK - Frosted Glass (iOS 7 Blur) Effect


NSThread, NSTimer and AutoreleasePools in an iPhone SDK application


help me for that. Thank you. iphone objective c cocoa multithreading timer share improve this question NSTimer schedules its time events on the current NSRunLoop your thread doesn't start one. If all you are trying to do is run something after..

Delayed UIImageView Rendering in UITableView


you stop scrolling is because during scrolling the run loop is in UITrackingRunLoopMode . By default NSURLConnection schedules itself in NSDefaultRunLoopMode only so you don't get any messages while scrolling. Here's how to schedule the connection..

How does -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: work?


I am currently working under the assumption that performSelector withObject afterDelay does not utilize threading but schedules an event to fire at a later date on the current thread. Is this correct More specifically void methodCalledByButtonClick..

objective-c autorelease


to reset the autorelease pool how and when iphone objective c share improve this question Calling autorelease schedules a release message to be sent to an object sometime in the near future by adding the object to the topmost NSAutoreleasePool..

What are the tradeoffs between performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: and dispatch_after


I would use performSelector . If you think about it performSelector gives you a very poor concurrency since it simply schedules your selector for execution on the run loop after a minimum amount of time. On the other hand dispatch_after gives you a.. if that ever makes sense to you. As to performance I really don't know what performSelector does inside but if it schedules a thread then Apple states that scheduling a block with GCD only costs 15 instructions while creating a thread costs several..

iPhone 4 is there an absolutely certain way to have a long term NSTimer fire


at a later point they stop firing completely. Thank you for any help or clarification. I'm looking for a method that schedules timers without having to worry about whether or not a run loop is present every time I need to schedule a timer. I want..

How to program a real-time accurate audio sequencer on the iphone?


core audio timing openal share improve this question NSTimer has absolutely no guarantees on when it fires. It schedules itself for a fire time on the runloop and when the runloop gets around to timers it sees if any of the timers are past due...