

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: scheduledtimerwithtimeinterval

NSTimer doesn't stop


code NSTimer timer void viewWillAppear BOOL animated super viewWillAppear animated timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.2f target self selector @selector timerAction userInfo nil repeats YES void viewDidDisappear BOOL..

Arguments in @selector


NSString value2 and I need to call this function through a selector passing two arguments. NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.1 target self selector @selector my method userInfo nil repeats YES How can I do this iphone cocoa.. iphone cocoa cocoa touch share improve this question You could use the NSTimer method NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval NSTimeInterval seconds invocation NSInvocation invocation repeats BOOL repeats Instead since an.. targetInstance invocation setArgument str1 atIndex 2 invocation setArgument str2 atIndex 3 NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.1 invocation invocation repeats YES Where MyObject is the class that myMethod setValue2 is declared..

iPhone: Detecting user inactivity/idle time since last screen touch


void resetIdleTimer if idleTimer idleTimer invalidate idleTimer release idleTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval maxIdleTime target self selector @selector idleTimerExceeded userInfo nil repeats NO retain void idleTimerExceeded..

Lock Unlock events iphone


UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer setUpdateInterval 1 Ping every second _notActiveTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 2 target self selector @selector deviceDidLock userInfo nil repeats NO 2 seconds for wiggle Deprecated.. NSLog @ STATUS Update from accelerometer _notActiveTimer invalidate _notActiveTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 2 target self selector @selector deviceDidLock userInfo nil repeats NO void deviceDidLock NSLog @ STATUS..

NSTimer doesn't stop


even after it was invalidated. What's the problem Here is my code NSTimer timer void viewWillAppear BOOL animated super viewWillAppear animated timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.2f target self selector @selector timerAction userInfo nil repeats YES void viewDidDisappear BOOL animated super viewDidDisappear animated timer invalidate..

Arguments in @selector


I have this method void myMethod NSString value1 setValue2 NSString value2 and I need to call this function through a selector passing two arguments. NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.1 target self selector @selector my method userInfo nil repeats YES How can I do this iphone cocoa cocoa touch share improve this question You could use.. my method userInfo nil repeats YES How can I do this iphone cocoa cocoa touch share improve this question You could use the NSTimer method NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval NSTimeInterval seconds invocation NSInvocation invocation repeats BOOL repeats Instead since an NSInvocation object will allow you to pass arguments an NSInvocation.. retain str2 retain Set the arguments invocation setTarget targetInstance invocation setArgument str1 atIndex 2 invocation setArgument str2 atIndex 3 NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.1 invocation invocation repeats YES Where MyObject is the class that myMethod setValue2 is declared and implemented on instanceMethodSignatureForSelector is a..

iPhone: Detecting user inactivity/idle time since last screen touch


phase UITouchPhaseBegan phase UITouchPhaseEnded self resetIdleTimer void resetIdleTimer if idleTimer idleTimer invalidate idleTimer release idleTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval maxIdleTime target self selector @selector idleTimerExceeded userInfo nil repeats NO retain void idleTimerExceeded NSLog @ idle time exceeded where maxIdleTime..

Lock Unlock events iphone


UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer setDelegate self UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer setUpdateInterval 1 Ping every second _notActiveTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 2 target self selector @selector deviceDidLock userInfo nil repeats NO 2 seconds for wiggle Deprecated in iOS5 void accelerometer UIAccelerometer accelerometer.. accelerometer didAccelerate UIAcceleration acceleration NSLog @ STATUS Update from accelerometer _notActiveTimer invalidate _notActiveTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 2 target self selector @selector deviceDidLock userInfo nil repeats NO void deviceDidLock NSLog @ STATUS Device locked UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer setDelegate..

Getting user location every n minutes after app goes to background


self self.locationManager startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges if self.timer nil self.timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.3 target self selector @selector checkUpdates userInfo nil repeats YES checkUpdates void checkUpdates NSTimer.. ^ app endBackgroundTask bgTask bgTask UIBackgroundTaskInvalid self.timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval intervalBackgroundUpdate target self.locationManager selector @selector startUpdatingLocation userInfo nil repeats..

NSTimer doesn't stop


problem Here is my code NSTimer timer void viewWillAppear BOOL animated super viewWillAppear animated timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.2f target self selector @selector timerAction userInfo nil repeats YES void viewDidDisappear BOOL animated super viewDidDisappear..

Arguments in @selector


value1 setValue2 NSString value2 and I need to call this function through a selector passing two arguments. NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.1 target self selector @selector my method userInfo nil repeats YES How can I do this iphone cocoa cocoa touch share.. How can I do this iphone cocoa cocoa touch share improve this question You could use the NSTimer method NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval NSTimeInterval seconds invocation NSInvocation invocation repeats BOOL repeats Instead since an NSInvocation object.. setTarget targetInstance invocation setArgument str1 atIndex 2 invocation setArgument str2 atIndex 3 NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.1 invocation invocation repeats YES Where MyObject is the class that myMethod setValue2 is declared and implemented on..

UISlider to control AVAudioPlayer


iPhone: Detecting user inactivity/idle time since last screen touch


self resetIdleTimer void resetIdleTimer if idleTimer idleTimer invalidate idleTimer release idleTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval maxIdleTime target self selector @selector idleTimerExceeded userInfo nil repeats NO retain void idleTimerExceeded NSLog..

How Do I write a Timer in Objective-C?


a Timer in Objective C I am trying to make a stop watch with NSTimer. I gave the following code nst_Timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.001 target self selector @selector showTime userInfo nil repeats NO and it is not working in milliseconds. It takes more..

UITableView scroll smooth with certain speed?


NSIndexPath indexPath you might want to do this action in ur buttonTargetMethod start timers tableTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.2 this value arranges the speed of the autoScroll target self selector @selector automaticScroll userInfo nil.. speed of the autoScroll target self selector @selector automaticScroll userInfo nil repeats YES NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 5 this arranges the duration of the scroll target self selector @selector stopscroll userInfo nil repeats NO void..

UILabel updating stops during scrolling UIScrollView


are implemented void startElapsedTimeTimer self setStartTime CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent NSTimer elapsedTimeTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.001 target self selector @selector updateElapsedTimeLabel userInfo nil repeats YES void updateElapsedTimeLabel.. events . The solution is adding your timer to the NSRunLoopModes just after creation NSTimer elapsedTimeTimer NNSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.001 target self selector @selector updateElapsedTimeLabel userInfo nil repeats YES NSRunLoop currentRunLoop..

Lock Unlock events iphone


setDelegate self UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer setUpdateInterval 1 Ping every second _notActiveTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 2 target self selector @selector deviceDidLock userInfo nil repeats NO 2 seconds for wiggle Deprecated in iOS5 void accelerometer.. acceleration NSLog @ STATUS Update from accelerometer _notActiveTimer invalidate _notActiveTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 2 target self selector @selector deviceDidLock userInfo nil repeats NO void deviceDidLock NSLog @ STATUS Device locked UIAccelerometer..

Way to make a UIButton continuously fire during a press-and-hold situation?


void movePlayer id sender Code to move player void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.3 target self selector @selector movePlayer userInfo nil repeats YES void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent..

What is a better way to create a game loop on the iPhone other than using NSTimer?


NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector gameLoop toTarget self withObject nil #else timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 1.0f 60 target self selector @selector renderFrame userInfo nil repeats YES #endif void stopLoop timer invalidate running..

How to Pause/Play NSTimer?


forState UIControlStateNormal startStop setTitleColor UIColor redColor forState UIControlStateNormal timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 1.0 target self selector @selector countUp userInfo nil repeats YES timerDown NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 1.0.. scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 1.0 target self selector @selector countUp userInfo nil repeats YES timerDown NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 1.0 target self selector @selector countDown userInfo nil repeats YES else if startStop.titleLabel.text isEqualToString..