

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: schemes

iOS App with Static Lib crashes ONLY on launch of Archive Build loaded Ad Hoc. Can't reproduce in Debugger


that this wasn't due to the Release vs. Debug build configurations because I tried switching between these in my build schemes when deploying to the device through Xcode and it made no difference there. Something else is different in the way that..

Open a facebook link by native Facebook app on iOS


as http www.facebook.com AlibabaUS Thank you. iphone ios xcode facebook share improve this question Here are some schemes the Facebook app uses there are a ton more on the source link Example NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ fb profile id UIApplication..

Debugging App When Launched by Push Notification


through the debugger. This lets you debug things that vary based on the launch state of your application such as URL schemes pasteboards and push notifications. In Xcode look in the Source bar and below Targets there will be Executables. Bring up..

iPhone apps: Can I open an app from a link in a website?


different stuff in the app at launch time. Thanks Daniel iphone share improve this question Certain apps have URL schemes that will launch them. If an app has published this scheme or if you dig around in their bundle you can launch it. For example..

How to share custom data between iPhone applications?


In this case you would register a special URL scheme per application. You can find out more information about URL schemes via Craig Hockenberry in his redacted blog post . 2 The data you need to share is persistent. In other words you need something..

How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?


this question File type handling is new with iPhone OS 3.2 and is different than the already existing custom URL schemes. You can register your application to handle particular document types and any application that uses a document controller.. valueForKey UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey Note that this is the same approach we used for handling custom URL schemes. You can separate the file URLs from others by using code like the following if url isFileURL Handle file being passed in..

Where can I find a CSV to NSArray parser for Objective-C? [closed]


and posted it on Github http github.com davedelong CHCSVParser It's quite thorough. It handles all sorts of escaping schemes newlines in fields comments etc. It also uses intelligent file loading which means you can safely parse huge files in constrained..

Bundle Name, Executable Name, Product Name…anything else?


me...and Im tired of getting them wrong. Someone please explain... why the hell do we need this many different naming schemes for one app environment and what do I use each of these for so I can stick them in the right cubby hole in my head iphone..

How to check programatically if an App is installed?


touch ipad ios4 share improve this question I think this is not possible directly but if the apps register uri schemes you could test for that. A URI scheme is for example fb for the facebook app. You can register that in the info.plist of..

How to know the apps installed in iPhone


check for applications which officialy shared their url scheme. You can find the biggest database of those url schemes here . Now how to use All that we'll need is UIApplication. First we need check if the iOS can open specific url UIApplication..

Return to app from safari


don't control you can have the user surf within your app using the UIWebView. For an iOS app you can create custom URL schemes that your app register with the system. Then on the web page you would create a link using that custom URL. That is how..

What are all the custom URL schemes supported by the Facebook iPhone app?


are all the custom URL schemes supported by the Facebook iPhone app I am trying to see what information is available about the Facebook app on the iPhone..

Version vs build in XCode 4


what level you're asking about the Version Build difference so I'll answer it philosophically. There are all sorts of schemes but a popular one is MajorVersion . MinorVersion . Revision Major version Major changes redesigns and functionality changes..

Error in accessing google reader's Endpoints API


header . See http code.google.com p google reader api wiki Authentication for the supported authentication schemes. Additionally the Authorization header should be formatted as GoogleLogin auth auth token where auth token is the Auth value..

Why is object not dealloc'ed when using ARC + NSZombieEnabled


the additional logging is contained in a fork of the sample project works by just running there are two shared schemes for zombies on off. Original nonsensical answer This is not a bug but a feature. And it has nothing to do with ARC. NSZombieEnabled..

How can i launch Apple Mail App from within my own App?


ipad email apple share improve this question Since the only way to launch other applications is by using their URL schemes the only way to open mail is by using the mailto scheme. Which unfortunately for your case will always open the compose..

How to open preferences/settings with iOS 5.1?


functionality. But what you can do is file a Radar requesting the restoration. Here is a radar requesting that the schemes be documented in the first place. David Barnard has confirmed that iOS 5.1 breaks the settings apps URL schemes. share..

Open a facebook link by native Facebook app on iOS


on the source link Example NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ fb profile id UIApplication sharedApplication openURL url Schemes fb profile Open Facebook app to the user ™s profile fb friends Open Facebook app to the friends list fb notifications Open..

iPhone- Open Settings from my application iOS 6


user to Settings page to allow my app to access contact information directly from my App . If Apple has disabled URL Schemes for this how come many Apps are still using it iphone ios objective c share improve this question For apps that tie..

How to redirect from Yahoo to my IOS app after authentication?


from yahoo to my app.If any one worked on this please help me.Thanks in advance. This is what I had done in my URL Schemes where JCzOzd44 is my app ID. In yahoo account while creating the app.what should I give in Application Domain iphone ios..

Return to app from safari


on earlier version of iOS is application handleOpenURL For more information see check Apple Implementing Custom URL Schemes . Also iOS developer tips has a tutorial on Launching Your Own Application via a Custom URL Scheme . share improve this..

Building with xcodebuild Timed out waiting for <IDEWorkspace, 0x2004cebc0>/“runContextManager.runContexts”


the scheme. iphone osx snow leopard xcodebuild share improve this question checking the shared box in the Manage Schemes dialog moves the schemes to Project.xcodeproj xcshareddata xcschemes Scheme.xcscheme so even if you have a clean checkout..

Duplicating an XCode 4 Project


Xcode 4.2. gets stuck “Attaching to myapp” when running


over Derived Data 6 Check Launch option is set to Automatically in Product Edit Scheme Run scheme. 7 In Project Edit Schemes Run. Change the Debugger from GDB to None this doesn't make sense to me.. . 8 Kill the process gdb i386 apple darwin from.. recall the last new project I created. This is what worked for me the clue coming from this thread... Project Edit Schemes Run. Change the Debugger from LLDB to GDB Another computer with the same version of Xcode works fine. Maybe my LLDB is corrupt..

How to build a free version from a paid version without duplicating the Xcode 4 project?


the Product menu. A new scheme should already have been created for your new target. You can rename it in the Manage Schemes sheet if you want. You can control specific settings for building running archiving etc. the new target here. To switch..

Share data between two or more iPhone applications
