

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: scannerwithstring

Remove all but numbers from NSString


NSMutableString strippedString NSMutableString stringWithCapacity originalString.length NSScanner scanner NSScanner scannerWithString originalString NSCharacterSet numbers NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString @ 0123456789 while scanner isAtEnd..

Convert to Float and Calculate


aString float aFloat NSMutableString formattedString NSMutableString alloc init NSScanner theScanner NSScanner scannerWithString formula while theScanner isAtEnd NO if theScanner scanFloat aFloat formattedString appendString NSString stringWithFormat..

Replace unicode value in string


NULL NULL a b t n v f r NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL e NSScanner scanner NSScanner scannerWithString str scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped nil NSMutableString result NSMutableString string while scanner isAtEnd NSString tmp..

iPhone xCode - How to convert NSString HTML markup to Plain text NSString?


using NSScanner class NSString flattenHTML NSString html NSScanner theScanner NSString text nil theScanner NSScanner scannerWithString html while theScanner isAtEnd NO theScanner scanUpToString @ intoString NULL theScanner scanUpToString @ intoString text..

How to let the sortedArrayUsingSelector using integer to sort instead of String?


NSString left self NSString right otherString NSInteger leftNumber rightNumber NSScanner leftScanner NSScanner scannerWithString left NSScanner rightScanner NSScanner scannerWithString right if both begin with numbers numeric comparison takes precedence.. leftNumber rightNumber NSScanner leftScanner NSScanner scannerWithString left NSScanner rightScanner NSScanner scannerWithString right if both begin with numbers numeric comparison takes precedence if leftScanner scanInteger leftNumber rightScanner..

How can I convert a NSString representation of a time value into two NSInteger's containing the hour and minute?


get back to it... iphone string ipad nsstring ios share improve this question NSScanner timeScanner NSScanner scannerWithString ...the time string... int hours minutes timeScanner scanInt hours timeScanner scanString @ intoString nil jump over timeScanner..

Objective C parse hex string to integer


How to convert HEX RGB color codes to UIColor?


2 1 if cleanString length 6 cleanString cleanString stringByAppendingString @ ff unsigned int baseValue NSScanner scannerWithString cleanString scanHexInt baseValue if red red baseValue 24 0xFF 255.0f if green green baseValue 16 0xFF 255.0f if blue blue.. 2 1 if cleanString length 6 cleanString cleanString stringByAppendingString @ ff unsigned int baseValue NSScanner scannerWithString cleanString scanHexInt baseValue float red baseValue 24 0xFF 255.0f float green baseValue 16 0xFF 255.0f float blue baseValue..

Objective-C: Find numbers in string


NSString originalString @ This is my string. #1234 Intermediate NSString numberString NSScanner scanner NSScanner scannerWithString originalString NSCharacterSet numbers NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString @ 0123456789 Throw away characters..

How to extract the image source from an rss string


graduating to keep in mind the families of the soldiers they will lead. p br clear all NSScanner theScanner NSScanner scannerWithString newsRSSFeed find start of IMG tag theScanner scanUpToString @ img intoString nil if theScanner isAtEnd theScanner scanUpToString..

Strip out HTML Tags etc from NSString [duplicate]


flattenHTML NSString html trimWhiteSpace BOOL trim NSScanner theScanner NSString text nil theScanner NSScanner scannerWithString html while theScanner isAtEnd NO find start of tag theScanner scanUpToString @ intoString NULL find end of tag theScanner.. stripTags NSString str NSMutableString html NSMutableString stringWithCapacity str length NSScanner scanner NSScanner scannerWithString str scanner.charactersToBeSkipped NULL NSString tempText nil while scanner isAtEnd scanner scanUpToString @ intoString..

separate the ids and store in two different array


graduating to keep in mind the families of the soldiers they will lead. p br clear all NSScanner theScanner NSScanner scannerWithString newsRSSFeed find start of IMG tag theScanner scanUpToString @ img intoString nil if theScanner isAtEnd theScanner scanUpToString..

Find next match of a phrase with NSScanner


error error webView loadHTMLString page baseURL requestTimetableURL NSString Period1 NSScanner htmlScanner NSScanner scannerWithString page htmlScanner scanUpToString @ P align center STRONG FONT color #c00000 intoString NULL htmlScanner scanString @ P align.. Period1 period1label.text Period1 NSLog @ Collected Period 1 Data @ Period1 NSScanner htmlScanner2 NSScanner scannerWithString page NSString Period2 htmlScanner2 scanUpToString @ P align center STRONG FONT color #c00000 intoString NULL htmlScanner2.. error error webView loadHTMLString page baseURL requestTimetableURL NSString Period1 NSScanner htmlScanner NSScanner scannerWithString page htmlScanner scanUpToString @ P align center STRONG FONT color #c00000 intoString NULL htmlScanner scanString @ P align..

How to get an int in decimal from a Hex NSString


A 10 B 11 etc. and I coded as the following NSString tempNumber tempNumber number.text NSScanner scanner NSScanner scannerWithString tempNumber unsigned int temp scanner scanHexInt temp NSLog @ @ d tempNumber temp but the NSLog output isn't what I perfer....