

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: scheduleinrunloop

Delayed UIImageView Rendering in UITableView


connection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest request delegate self startImmediately NO connection scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSRunLoopCommonModes connection start Note that you have to specify startImmediately NO..

Does NSURLConnection Block the Main/UI Thread


iPhone: Catching a Connection Error With NSStream


outputStream NSOutputStream writeStream inputStream setDelegate self outputStream setDelegate self inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode outputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode.. setDelegate self inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode outputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode inputStream open outputStream open Any idea as to how I can specify..

Downloading a Large File - iPhone SDK


self.isDownloading YES Create the new data object self.data NSMutableData data self.response nil self.urlconnection scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSRunLoopCommonModes void cleanup self.data nil self.response nil self.urlconnection nil..

NSURLConnection delegate methods are not called


USB-Programming on iPhone


with protocol string session outputStream setDelegate self set delegate class for output stream session outputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode set outputstream loop session outputStream open open session session.. outputStream open open session session inputStream setDelegate self session inputStream open session inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode Then the stream delegate will be called this is a stream listener..

How to Maintain VOIP socket connection in background?


setDelegate self outputStream setProperty NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP forKey NSStreamNetworkServiceType inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode outputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode.. inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode outputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode inputStream open outputStream open 2. Should I reconnect the stream.. setDelegate self outputStream setProperty NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP forKey NSStreamNetworkServiceType inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode outputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode..

NSDefaultRunLoopMode vs NSRunLoopCommonModes


instead of background events. If you decide to change the run loop mode for your NSURLConnection thread by using the scheduleInRunLoop forModes method then you allow the thread's events to be associated not to a specific run loop the default but to a different..

Is there anything like 'getStreamsToHost' on real iPhone device?


getStreamsToHost host port 1100 inputStream nil outputStream &oStream oStream retain oStream setDelegate self oStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode oStream open These codes works well on the iPhone simulator but when.. kCFBooleanTrue inputStream NSInputStream readStream inputStream retain inputStream setDelegate self inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode inputStream open outputStream NSOutputStream writeStream outputStream.. open outputStream NSOutputStream writeStream outputStream retain outputStream setDelegate self outputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode outputStream open if readStream CFRelease readStream if writeStream..