

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:57

iphone Programming Glossary: setfullscreen

how to provide only one view with landscape for MPMoviePlayerController in IOS6


self.playercontroller prepareToPlay self.view addSubview self.playercontroller.view self.playercontroller setFullscreen YES animated YES self.playercontroller stop self.view sendSubviewToBack self.playercontroller.view BOOL shouldAutorotate..

Properly displaying and dismissing fullscreen MPMoviePlayerController in iOS 3.2 (iPad)


self.view.frame self.view addSubview self.moviePlayerController.view self.moviePlayerController setFullscreen YES animated YES And here is the code for my didFinish callback void didFinishPlayback NSNotification notification This.. What I'm trying to do here is just make the player go away and show my old UI again. self.moviePlayerController setFullscreen NO animated YES So obviously I am doing something wrong but I've been up and down the documentation and I can't figure out.. with the MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishReasonUserInfoKey set to MPMovieFinishReasonPlaybackEnded If you call setFullscreen NO animated YES on your MoviePlayerController instance from this notification you'll then get the WillExit and DidExit notifications...

Hide StatusBar from MPMoviePlayerController


moviePlayer.view moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay YES moviePlayer.movieSourceType MPMovieSourceTypeFile moviePlayer setFullscreen YES animated YES moviePlayer.controlStyle MPMovieControlStyleFullscreen NSNotificationCenter notificationCenter NSNotificationCenter..

How to hide control before MPMoviePlayerController movie is played?


name MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification object moviePlayer if moviePlayer respondsToSelector @selector setFullscreen animated moviePlayer.controlStyle MPMovieControlStyleDefault MPMovieControlStyleNone MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded MPMovieControlStyleFullscreen.. Add movie player as subview self view addSubview moviePlayer view Play the movie moviePlayer play moviePlayer setFullscreen YES animated YES iphone mpmovieplayercontroller share improve this question Set controlStyle property to MPMovieControlStyleNone..

MPMoviePlayerController and HTTP Live Streaming


object nil mp setControlStyle MPMovieControlStyleFullscreen mp setMovieSourceType MPMovieSourceTypeStreaming mp setFullscreen YES self.view addSubview mp view mp prepareToPlay mp play Actually the controller recieves MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification..

cocos2d: playing a video in the background of a menu


moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay FALSE This does blows up in cocos2d so we'll resize manually moviePlayer setFullscreen YES animated YES moviePlayer.view setTransform CGAffineTransformMakeRotation float M_PI_2 CGSize winSize CCDirector sharedDirector.. @ m4v moviePlayer MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL url if moviePlayer respondsToSelector @selector setFullscreen animated Use the new 3.2 style API moviePlayer.controlStyle MPMovieControlStyleNone moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay YES moviePlayer.repeatMode..

iphone - force MPMoviePlayerController to play video in landscape mode


look good in portrait mode . I'm playing it like this self.view addSubview myMoviePlayer.view self.myMoviePlayer setFullscreen YES animated YES self.myMoviePlayer play What's the best way to accomplish this iphone objective c video mpmovieplayercontroller..

Problem playing mov file in MPMoviePlayerController


mainBundle pathForResource @ intro_iphone ofType @ mp4 mpc MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL url mpc setFullscreen YES animated NO mpc.shouldAutoplay YES mpc.view.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor mpc.view.frame CGRectMake 0.0f 0.0f screenSize.width..

Extremely weird behavior of navigationBar and MPMoviePlayerController. Bug in iOS or my error?


MPMovieControlStyleDefault moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay YES self.view addSubview moviePlayer.view moviePlayer setFullscreen YES animated YES void moviePlayBackDidFinish NSNotification notification MPMoviePlayerController player notification object.. self name MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification object player if player respondsToSelector @selector setFullscreen animated player.view removeFromSuperview Here is where I am currently at with the suggestions given below. I must have something.. MPMovieControlStyleDefault moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay YES self.view addSubview moviePlayer.view moviePlayer setFullscreen YES animated YES iphone ios uinavigationbar mpmovieplayercontroller share improve this question Ok so I found this..

play video stream with MPMoviePlayerController


MPMovieControlStyleDefault moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay YES self.view addSubview moviePlayer.view moviePlayer setFullscreen YES animated YES iphone ios cocoa touch stream mpmovieplayercontroller share improve this question Instead of creating..

iPhone cannot rotate movie to landscape mode using MPMoviePlayerViewController


self.moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setScalingMode MPMovieScalingModeFill self.moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setFullscreen TRUE NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self selector @selector moviePlaybackComplete name MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification..