

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:59

iphone Programming Glossary: setpropertiestofetch

NSFetchedResultsController with sections created by first letter of a string


cacheName @ Root PREVIOUSLY Following Dave's initial steps to the letter generated issues where it dies upon setPropertiesToFetch with an invalid argument exception. I've logged the code and the debugging information below NSDictionary entityProperties.. 700 attributeValueClassName NSString defaultValue null NSInvalidArgumentException AT THIS LINE vvvv fetchRequest setPropertiesToFetch tempPropertyArray Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' reason 'Invalid property NSAttributeDescription.. warnings versionHashModifier null attributeType 700 attributeValueClassName NSString defaultValue null passed to setPropertiesToFetch property is transient ' fetchRequest setReturnsDistinctResults YES NSSortDescriptor nameInitialSortOrder NSSortDescriptor..

Fetching Core Data in the background


Retrieving a unique result set with Core Data


NULL NSFetchRequest fetchRequest NSFetchRequest alloc init fetchRequest setReturnsDistinctResults YES fetchRequest setPropertiesToFetch NSArray arrayWithObjects @ type @ rank nil NSEntityDescription entity NSEntityDescription entityForName @ SomeEntity inManagedObjectContext.. release return fetchResults Right now that is crashing with the following Invalid keypath section passed to setPropertiesToFetch iphone cocoa core data share improve this question NSManagedObjectContext ctx some ctx NSFetchRequest req your request.. NSDictionary entityProperties entity propertiesByName req setEntity entity req setReturnsDistinctResults YES req setPropertiesToFetch NSArray arrayWithObject entityProperties objectForKey @ type req setSortDescriptors NSArray arrayWithObject NSSortDescriptor..

How to fetch distinct values in Core Data?


... request setEntity entity request setResultType NSDictionaryResultType request setReturnsDistinctValues YES request setPropertiesToFetch NSArray arrayWithObject @ #Attribute name# Execute the fetch NSError error id requestedValue nil WTF This isn't defined.. So request setEntity entity request setResultType NSDictionaryResultType request setReturnsDistinctValues YES request setPropertiesToFetch NSArray arrayWithObject @ name Execute the fetch NSError error NSArray objects managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest.. out. If you want to use any of the other attributes like their age you would have to add that to the array you set in setPropertiesToFetch . In most cases it is probably best to simply retrieve the managed object however. The object will be faulted so you won't..

Core data, how to get NSManagedObject's ObjectId when NSFetchRequest returns NSDictionaryResultType?


to add a properly configured NSExpressionDescription object to the array of NSPropertyDescription objects you set via setPropertiesToFetch for your NSFetchRequest . For example NSExpressionDescription objectIdDesc NSExpressionDescription new autorelease objectIdDesc.name..

Return NSArray from NSDictionary


request setReturnsDistinctResults NO set to YES if you only want unique values of the property request setPropertiesToFetch NSArray arrayWithObject @ timeStamp name s of properties you want to fetch Execute the fetch. NSError error NSArray objects..

Distinct Count via Core Data, NSExpression Into NSFetchedResultsController


entity fetchRequest setReturnsDistinctResults YES fetchRequest setResultType NSDictionaryResultType fetchRequest setPropertiesToFetch propertiesToFetch fetchRequest setFetchBatchSize 20 NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptor NSSortDescriptor alloc initWithKey strFieldName.. fr NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName @ Person fr setPropertiesToGroupBy NSArray arrayWithObject propDesc fr setPropertiesToFetch NSArray arrayWithObjects propDesc exprDesc nil fr setResultType NSDictionaryResultType NSArray results moc executeFetchRequest..