

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:59

iphone Programming Glossary: setrepeatcount

Grouping two Core Animations with CAAnimationGroup causes one CABasicAnimation to not run


rock CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z rock setBeginTime 0.0f rock setDuration 5.0 rock setRepeatCount 10000 NSMutableArray values NSMutableArray array MovingMath math MovingMath alloc init Center start position values addObject.. transform animation setFromValue value animation setAutoreverses YES animation setDuration 30.0f animation setRepeatCount 10000 animation setBeginTime 0.0f Adding either one of these animations directly to the UILabel's layer works as expected... setFromValue NSNumber numberWithDouble 1.0 animation setAutoreverses YES animation setDuration 30.0f animation setRepeatCount 10000 animation setBeginTime 0.0f you should be able to have both rocking and scaling on your layer. share improve this..

iPhone, How do I rotate an UIImageView around a point using Core Animation and CATransform3D?


transform animation setFromValue value animation setAutoreverses NO animation setDuration 1.0f animation setRepeatCount 1 kmPointer.layer addAnimation animation forKey nil How can I make the pointer to rotate around the star marked with 3 ..

UIView shake animation


CABasicAnimation animation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ position animation setDuration 0.05 animation setRepeatCount 8 animation setAutoreverses YES animation setFromValue NSValue valueWithCGPoint CGPointMake lockView center .x 20.0f lockView..

Facebook like login screen and validation(Window Shake Effect) [closed]


. CABasicAnimation animation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ position animation setDuration 0.05 animation setRepeatCount 8 animation setAutoreverses YES animation setFromValue NSValue valueWithCGPoint CGPointMake lockView center .x 20.0f lockView..