

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:59

iphone Programming Glossary: setreturnsdistinctresults

NSFetchedResultsController with sections created by first letter of a string


attributeValueClassName NSString defaultValue null passed to setPropertiesToFetch property is transient ' fetchRequest setReturnsDistinctResults YES NSSortDescriptor nameInitialSortOrder NSSortDescriptor alloc initWithKey @ committeeNameInitial ascending YES autorelease..

split the image into a mesh of small quadrangles in OpenGLES


Retrieving a unique result set with Core Data


I have so far that's breaking NSError error NULL NSFetchRequest fetchRequest NSFetchRequest alloc init fetchRequest setReturnsDistinctResults YES fetchRequest setPropertiesToFetch NSArray arrayWithObjects @ type @ rank nil NSEntityDescription entity NSEntityDescription.. inManagedObjectContext context NSDictionary entityProperties entity propertiesByName req setEntity entity req setReturnsDistinctResults YES req setPropertiesToFetch NSArray arrayWithObject entityProperties objectForKey @ type req setSortDescriptors NSArray..

Return NSArray from NSDictionary


request NSFetchRequest alloc init request setEntity entity request setResultType NSDictionaryResultType request setReturnsDistinctResults NO set to YES if you only want unique values of the property request setPropertiesToFetch NSArray arrayWithObject @ timeStamp..

Distinct Count via Core Data, NSExpression Into NSFetchedResultsController


NSArray alloc initWithObjects strFieldName totalExpressionDescription nil fetchRequest setEntity entity fetchRequest setReturnsDistinctResults YES fetchRequest setResultType NSDictionaryResultType fetchRequest setPropertiesToFetch propertiesToFetch fetchRequest setFetchBatchSize..