

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:59

iphone Programming Glossary: setstring

How can I add overlay text on a video, then re-encode it?


assetExport.outputURL exportUrl assetExport.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse YES strRecordedFilename setString exportPath assetExport exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler ^ void dispatch_async dispatch_get_main_queue ^ self exportDidFinish..

What is a long-term method I can use to uniquely identify an iOS device?


create YES pasteboard setPersistent YES save the unique identifier string that we created earlier pasteboard setString __bridge NSString string accessing it UIPasteboard pasteboard UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName @ youruniquestring create..

Enable copy and paste on UITextField without making it editable


self.highlighted YES return YES return NO void copy id sender UIPasteboard board UIPasteboard generalPasteboard board setString self.text self.highlighted NO self resignFirstResponder void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event if self..

Are there complete examples that make use of all the NSURLConnection delegate methods?


connection NSURLConnection connection didFailWithError NSError error responseData release connection release textView setString @ Unable to fetch data void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection NSLog @ Succeeded Received d bytes of..

How to search MKMapView with UISearchBar?


@ http maps.google.com maps geo q @ output json inAddress Replace Spaces with a ' ' character. urlString setString urlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString @ withString @ Create NSURL string from a formate URL string. NSURL url NSURL..

iPad: Animate UILabels color changing


as the import . void animateTextLayer CGFloat animationDuration 5 CATextLayer textLayer CATextLayer layer textLayer setString @ Hello World textLayer setForegroundColor UIColor purpleColor .CGColor textLayer setFontSize 30 textLayer setFrame CGRectMake..

When to use retain and when to use copy


alloc initWithString @ test theObject.aString mutableString theObject retains the mutable string mutableString setString @ test2 What happens here is that you assign the value test to aString but then it gets modified externally and it becomes..

Change the UITextView Text Direction


@ NSString first_word words objectAtIndex 0 words removeObjectAtIndex 0 NSMutableString lines lastObject setString words componentsJoinedByString @ lines addObject NSMutableString stringWithString first_word NSMutableString txt NSMutableString..

What is the use of -[NSUserDefaults registerDefaults:]?


The second code snippet you posted is for setting the property to another value. You will have different set methods setString setObject setBoolean to set values depending on your program state in the Userdefaults. EDIT Updates as requested in comment... appDelegate. Then somewhere in your program you may want to set the values of these fields then you use the setObject setString setBoolean...and for retrieving you use stringForKey objectForKey... Think of it as this The registerDefaults is the constructor..

UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags


else if actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex buttonIndex isEqualToString @ Copy UIPasteboard generalPasteboard setString selectedLinkURL else if actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex buttonIndex isEqualToString @ Copy Image UIPasteboard generalPasteboard.. else if actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex buttonIndex isEqualToString @ Copy Image UIPasteboard generalPasteboard setString selectedImageURL else if actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex buttonIndex isEqualToString @ Save Image NSOperationQueue queue..

Xcode: Pass NSString from one class to another problem


stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet workingPropertyString setString @ clear the string for next time if elementName isEqualToString kIDStr self.workingEntry.appURLString trimmedString else..

Why won't my UITableView properly reload data from its source array?


right now else NSLog @ has item myList addObject input NSLog @ item @ listToolbar itemForList listToolbar.itemForList setString @ listToolbar.hasItem NO NSLog @ list @ myList objectAtIndex myList.count 1 listTable reloadData NSLog @ cell @ self tableView..