

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:14:00

iphone Programming Glossary: settimezone

CGAffineTransformMakeRotation counter clockwise always


NSDate date NSCalendar calendar NSCalendar alloc initWithCalendarIdentifier NSGregorianCalendar autorelease calendar setTimeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName @ America Toronto NSDateComponents components calendar components NSHourCalendarUnit NSMinuteCalendarUnit..

NSDate - Convert Date to GMT


NSDate expressed in different time zones, i.e. local time zone (GMT-400) to PST


NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSHourCalendarUnit NSMinuteCalendarUnit NSSecondCalendarUnit fromDate now cal setTimeZone tz NSDate newDate cal dateFromComponents dc No love. I could take the individual date components and compose a string but.. to GMT is wrong. To output a date in a specific time zone you should create an instance of NSDateFormatter and call setTimeZone on it to set the time zone. According to the Unicode docs the format string @ zzz should output the time zone value as PST..

objective-c setting NSDate to current UTC


dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init NSTimeZone timeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName @ UTC dateFormatter setTimeZone timeZone dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss NSString dateString dateFormatter stringFromDate localDate dateFormatter..

iPhone - get number of days between two dates


NSMonthCalendarUnit NSDayCalendarUnit NSHourCalendarUnit NSMinuteCalendarUnit NSSecondCalendarUnit calendar setTimeZone fromTimeZone NSDateComponents fromDateComponents calendar components unitFlags fromDate fromDate calendar setTimeZone toTimeZone.. setTimeZone fromTimeZone NSDateComponents fromDateComponents calendar components unitFlags fromDate fromDate calendar setTimeZone toTimeZone NSDateComponents toDateComponents calendar components unitFlags fromDate toDate calendar setTimeZone NSTimeZone.. setTimeZone toTimeZone NSDateComponents toDateComponents calendar components unitFlags fromDate toDate calendar setTimeZone NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone NSDate adjustedFromDate calendar dateFromComponents fromDateComponents NSDate adjustedToDate..

Saving Geotag info with photo on iOS4.1


NSDate object NSDateFormatter formatter NSDateFormatter alloc init formatter setDateFormat @ HH mm ss.SSSSSS formatter setTimeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation @ UTC gps setObject formatter stringFromDate location.timestamp forKey NSString kCGImagePropertyGPSTimeStamp..

NSDateFormatter dateFromString returns nil


0000 NSDateFormatter parser NSDateFormatter alloc init parser setDateFormat @ EEE dd MMM yyyy HH mm ss ' 0000' parser setTimeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName @ UTC NSDate date parser dateFromString _date This doesn't run 'date' is set to 'nil'. I tried..

NSDate is not returning my local Time zone /default time zone of device


MM dd'T'HH mm NSTimeZone gmt NSTimeZone NSTimeZone gmt NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation @ GMT 05 00 dateFormatter setTimeZone gmt NSString timeStamp dateFormatter stringFromDate NSDate date NSLog @ date string object @ timeStamp string From Date..

How do I create the current date (or any date) as an NSDate without hours, minutes and seconds?


self NSDate midnightUTC NSCalendar calendar NSCalendar alloc initWithCalendarIdentifier NSGregorianCalendar calendar setTimeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT 0 NSDateComponents dateComponents calendar components NSYearCalendarUnit NSMonthCalendarUnit..

How to parse a date string into an NSDate object in iOS?


21T12 26 47 05 00 The code I am using to parse it is self.dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init self.dateFormatter setTimeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT 0 self.dateFormatter setLocale NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US_POSIX..

Convert NSDate to NSString


formatter NSDateFormatter alloc init formatter setDateFormat @ yyyy Optionally for time zone converstions formatter setTimeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName @ ... NSString stringFromDate formatter stringFromDate myNSDateInstance formatter release ..

Get NSDate from NSDate adjusted with timezone


Sydney time . Use the user's current calendar and time zone NSCalendar calendar NSCalendar currentCalendar calendar setTimeZone NSTimeZone systemTimeZone Specify the date components manually year month day hour minutes etc. NSDateComponents timeZoneComps..

How to write exif metadata to an image (not the camera roll, just a UIImage or JPEG)


NSTimeZone timeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName @ UTC NSDateFormatter formatter NSDateFormatter alloc init formatter setTimeZone timeZone formatter setDateFormat @ HH mm ss.SS Create GPS Dictionary NSDictionary gpsDict NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys..

NSdate Assuming wrong time zone


dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init autorelease dateFormatter setDateFormat @ d MMM yyyy HH mm ss dateFormatter setTimeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName @ asia kolkata NSDate date dateFormatter dateFromString str In console date 2012 05 25 04 55..