

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:14:26

iphone Programming Glossary: startreading

Hardware accelerated h.264 decoding to texture, overlay or similar in iOS


assetReaderTrackOutputWithTrack audioTrack outputSettings nil reader addOutput readerAudioTrackOutput if reader startReading NO NSLog @ Error reading from file at URL @ self.url return if synchronizedMovieWriter nil __unsafe_unretained GPUImageMovie..

Updating UI while reading a video file


nil NSArray tracks asset tracksWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo if tracks count 1 some code here movieReader startReading while movieReader status AVAssetReaderStatusReading reading the video code here I need to update the UI as I..

Getting the musical data of an iPod-track


one for each track of the asset and add them to the asset reader with AVAssetReader addOutput . Call AVAssetReader startReading . Call copyNextSampleBuffer for each of your AVAssetReaderTrackOutput objects until you have read all the data. See the..

Reading samples via AVAssetReader


outputSettings dictionary asset_reader addOutput asset_reader_output Kick off the asset reader asset_reader startReading Read off the samples CMSampleBufferRef buffer while asset_reader status AVAssetReaderStatusReading buffer asset_reader_output..

Extract iPod Library raw PCM samples and play with sound effects


assetReaderOutput NSLog @ Incompatible Asser Reader Output return assetReader addOutput assetReaderOutput assetReader startReading CMSampleBufferRef nextBuffer while nextBuffer assetReaderOutput copyNextSampleBuffer What Do I Do Here assetReader release.. outputSettings nil reader addOutput output output release NSMutableData fullSongData NSMutableData alloc init reader startReading while reader.status AVAssetReaderStatusReading AVAssetReaderTrackOutput trackOutput AVAssetReaderTrackOutput reader.outputs..

Help Fix Memory Leak release


asset writer input... die return assetWriterInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime NO assetWriter startWriting assetReader startReading AVAssetTrack soundTrack songAsset.tracks objectAtIndex 0 CMTime startTime CMTimeMake 0 soundTrack.naturalTimeScale assetWriter..

Drawing waveform with AVAssetReader


outputSettings nil reader addOutput output output release NSMutableData fullSongData NSMutableData alloc init reader startReading while reader.status AVAssetReaderStatusReading AVAssetReaderTrackOutput trackOutput AVAssetReaderTrackOutput reader.outputs.. UInt32 bytesPerSample 2 channelCount SInt16 normalizeMax 0 NSMutableData fullSongData NSMutableData alloc init reader startReading UInt64 totalBytes 0 SInt64 totalLeft 0 SInt64 totalRight 0 NSInteger sampleTally 0 NSInteger samplesPerPixel sampleRate.. normalizeMax noiseFloor NSLog @ normalizeMax f normalizeMax NSMutableData fullSongData NSMutableData alloc init reader startReading UInt64 totalBytes 0 Float64 totalLeft 0 Float64 totalRight 0 Float32 sampleTally 0 NSInteger samplesPerPixel sampleRate..

Make movie file with picture Array and song file, using AVAsset


markAsFinished I finish write picture in movie file and I want copy audio in the file and I do this audioReader startReading videoWriter startSessionAtSourceTime kCMTimeZero dispatch_queue_t mediaInputQueue dispatch_queue_create mediaInputQueue..

Using AVAssetReader to read (stream) from a remote asset


addOutput AVAssetReaderTrackOutput assetReaderTrackOutputWithTrack track outputSettings videoSettings _movieReader startReading self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector frameStarter withObject nil waitUntilDone NO But I always get this exception.. as the source. Create an AVAssetReader using the AVURLAsset. Add AVAssetReaderTrackOutput to the AVAssetReader and startReading. Retrieve images using copyNextSampleBuffer. b Create an AVPlayerItem from the video URL and then an AVPlayer from it or.. and create your AVAssetReaderTrackOutput using the video track. Create AVAssetReader using the AVPlayer's 'asset' 'startReading' and then retrieve images using copyNextSampleBuffer. c Create an AVPlayerItem AVPlayer or AVPlayer directly from the video..

How to copy songs from iPod Library to app and play with AVAudioPlayer?


assetReaderTrackOutputWithTrack track outputSettings nil myOutputs addObject output reader addOutput output reader startReading NSFileHandle fileHandle NSFileManager fm NSFileManager defaultManager if fm fileExistsAtPath fileURL fm createFileAtPath..

iOS 5.0 crash when reading data from an AVAssetReaderOutput


assetReaderTrackOutputWithTrack track outputSettings nil myOutputs addObject ot reader addOutput ot reader startReading NSFileHandle fileHandle NSFileManager fm NSFileManager defaultManager if fm fileExistsAtPath fileURL fm createFileAtPath..

Video Encoding using AVAssetWriter - CRASHES


videoWriter addInput audioWriterInput videoWriter startWriting videoWriter startSessionAtSourceTime kCMTimeZero reader startReading dispatch_queue_t _processingQueue dispatch_queue_create assetAudioWriterQueue NULL videoWriterInput requestMediaDataWhenReadyOnQueue.. your method for when the conversion is done should call finishWriting on the writer hook up audio track audioReader startReading videoWriter startSessionAtSourceTime kCMTimeZero dispatch_queue_t mediaInputQueue dispatch_queue_create mediaInputQueue..