

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:14:38

iphone Programming Glossary: stuff..

Execute an “if” condition “x” milliseconds and stop for “y”millisecond and repeat the condition ?


TRUE EDITED You can use this Piece of code for Checking time elapsed for executing. NSDate start NSDate date do stuff... NSTimeInterval timeInterval start timeIntervalSinceNow timeInterval is the difference between start and now in seconds..

iPhone - Splash Screen with progress bar


nil repeats NO return self void finishInitialization do some stuff like allocation opening a db creating views heavy stuff... splashView tick this should update the progress bar... do some stuff like allocation opening a db creating views heavy.. splashView tick this should update the progress bar... do some stuff like allocation opening a db creating views heavy stuff... splashView tick this should update the progress bar... init done... set the right view and release the SplashView iphone..

How to Unerase the erased UIImage


this issue. i just used touches methods of the UIViewController The below is the my approach Code #pragma mark touches stuff... void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event UITouch touch touches anyObject lastTouch touch locationInView..

Accessing Method from other Classes Objective-C


will help me a lot. Allow me to give you one. File ViewController1.m @implementation ViewController1 Do Some awesome stuff.... CALL CommonMethod HERE @end File ViewController2.m @implementation ViewController2 Do Some awesome stuff.... CALL CommonMethod.. awesome stuff.... CALL CommonMethod HERE @end File ViewController2.m @implementation ViewController2 Do Some awesome stuff.... CALL CommonMethod HERE @end File CommonClass @implementation commonClass void CommonMethod id sender So some awesome generic.. HERE @end File CommonClass @implementation commonClass void CommonMethod id sender So some awesome generic stuff... @end I feel like I need to #import the other file make an Object from the class and call the Method from the Object.....

Delayed UIImageView Rendering in UITableView


contain a UIImageView whose images are being downloaded asynchronously via an NSURLConnection . All pretty standard stuff... The issue is when the table scrolls the new images are downloaded in the background correctly but not RENDERED until the..

String comparison in Objective-C [closed]


Hiding master view in split view app..?


NSDictionary launchOptions Add the navigation controller's view to the window and display. standard stuff... self.window addSubview navigationController.view self.window makeKeyAndVisible add the overlay window note that both the..

When is the autorelease pool triggered


indexPath id initWithNibName NSString nibNameOrNil bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil void loadView etc etc initialization stuff... pool release 3.Whenever you want you can create your own pool and release it. from apples memory management document id..

iPhone CodeSign failed


information of how to do this but I think the info is kind of hidden in all this itunesconnect provisioning portal stuff... Check this link http developer.apple.com iphone manage distribution index.action . There you sould see two important points..

How to check what day of the week it is (i.e. Tues, Fri?) and compare two NSDates?


any library that let's you calculate this This obviously needs to take into account leap years and a tons of other stuff... Maybe there's an objective c library for this Thanks for any help iphone objective c share improve this question You..

Getting the time elapsed (Objective-c)


and between user's first reaction. iphone objective c share improve this question NSDate start NSDate date do stuff... NSTimeInterval timeInterval start timeIntervalSinceNow timeInterval is the difference between start and now in seconds..

Showing UIMenuController loses keyboard


UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath ...other cell setup stuff... UILongPressGestureRecognizer longPressGesture UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector showCopyDialog..