

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:15

iphone Programming Glossary: uibuttontypecustom

Check Uncheck buttons in uitableview's cell


CellIdentifier cell.textLabel.text cellDataArray objectAtIndex indexPath.row UIButton button UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom button setFrame CGRectMake 270.0 7.0 30.0 30.0 if arrayCheckUnchek objectAtIndex indexPath.row isEqualToString @ Uncheck..

how to remove subviews from scrollview?


btnLeft btnTop 150 150 CGRect frame2 CGRectMake btnLeft btnTop 150 150 UIButton Button UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom Button.frame frame1 Button.tag myButtonTag Button addTarget self action @selector buttonClick forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside..

How to set a picture programmatically in a NavBar?


@ Your Title And you can get navigationBarButton using this void getRightBarBtn UIButton Btn UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom Btn setFrame CGRectMake 0.0f 0.0f 68.0f 30.0f Btn setBackgroundImage UIImage imageNamed NSString stringWithFormat @ yourImage.png..

Display navigationController on top


200 UIImageView infoimage UIImageView alloc initWithFrame infoimagerect and the Button cubut UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom cubut addTarget self action @selector dothis forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside cubut setTitle nil forState UIControlStateNormal..

How can I create a big, red UIButton with the iPhone SDK?


make a button with the stretched image as the background and apply text. UIButton sampleButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom sampleButton setFrame CGRectMake kLeftMargin 10 self.view.bounds.size.width kLeftMargin kRightMargin 52 sampleButton setTitle..

UIToolbar UIBarButtonItem with both image and title has very dim text


UIImage image title NSString title target id target action SEL action UIButton barButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 13 barButton.titleLabel.font font barButton.titleLabel.shadowOffset CGSizeMake 0..

Can I have a UIBarButtonItem with a colored image?


image for a UIBarButtonItem UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ buttonImage.png UIButton button UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom button.bounds CGRectMake 0 0 image.size.width image.size.height button setImage image forState UIControlStateNormal button..

Creating a custom UIKeyBoard for iPhone


through a BOOL if numberPadShowing keyboard viewWithTag 123 nil Set the Button Type. dot UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom Position the button I found these numbers align fine 0 0 top left of keyboard dot.frame CGRectMake 0 163 106 53 dot.tag..

iPhone : making UIBarButtonItem that is arrow shaped


UIImage buttonImage UIImage imageNamed @ forwardButton.png UIButton forwardButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom forwardButton setBackgroundImage buttonImage forState UIControlStateNormal forwardButton setTitle @ Meter forState UIControlStateNormal..

unrecognized selector sent to instance


if self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle nibBundleOrNil UIButton numberButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom numberButton.frame CGRectMake 10 435 46 38 numberButton setImage UIImage imageNamed @ one.png forState UIControlStateNormal..

UITableViewCell Custom accessory - get the row of accessory


works very good and I currently have an action and selector performed when pressed. accessory UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom accessory setImage UIImage imageNamed @ star.png forState UIControlStateNormal accessory.frame CGRectMake 0 0 15 15 accessory.userInteractionEnabled.. void didTapStar UITableViewCell newCell tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath accessory UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom accessory setImage UIImage imageNamed @ stared.png forState UIControlStateNormal accessory.frame CGRectMake 0 0 26 26 accessory.userInteractionEnabled..

Is it even possible to change a UIButtons background color?


improve this question This can be done programmatically by making a replica loginButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom loginButton setTitleColor UIColor blackColor forState UIControlStateNormal loginButton.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor..

iPhone : How to set BackgroundColor of UIButton with buttonType UIButtonTypeCustom


How to set BackgroundColor of UIButton with buttonType UIButtonTypeCustom i want to change the button color when it is clicked. I used button setBackgroundColor UIColor redColor but this shows..

Basic Drag and Drop in iOS


may define each new vehicle as a UIButton UIImageView will probably work too UIButton button UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom button addTarget self action @selector imageTouch withEvent forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchDown button addTarget self..

How to adjust UIToolBar left and right padding


imageNamed @ button.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 10 topCapHeight 0 UIButton btnTest UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom btnTest setBackgroundImage buttonImage forState UIControlStateNormal btnTest setTitle @ Back forState UIControlStateNormal..

UIBarButtonItem with color?


If anyone is looking for code to exactly duplicate a simple UIBarButtonItem UIButton button UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom button setBackgroundImage UIImage imageNamed @ delete.png forState UIControlStateNormal button setTitle @ Delete forState..

Setting a background image for a tabbar


UIImage btnImageSelected UIImage imageNamed @ settingsSelected.png self.settingsButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom Setup the button settingsButton.frame CGRectMake 10 426 100 54 Set the frame size and position of the button settingsButton.. imageNamed @ info.png btnImageSelected UIImage imageNamed @ infoSelected.png self.infoButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom infoButton.frame CGRectMake 110 426 100 54 infoButton setBackgroundImage btnImage forState UIControlStateNormal infoButton.. @ aboutUs.png btnImageSelected UIImage imageNamed @ aboutUsSelected.png self.aboutUsButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom aboutUsButton.frame CGRectMake 210 426 100 54 aboutUsButton setBackgroundImage btnImage forState UIControlStateNormal aboutUsButton..